The four ships in the Federation squadron are doing some heavy damage on Mad Doc’s little cube, whose green flames could possibly infringe upon a certain Romulan copyright. One thing’s for certain during a fight with the Borg : you never lose sight of whe

Mad Doc's representative told us there's no plans as of yet to implement a tractor beam as a tactical weapon, which is a shame, because there's a lot you can do if only your ship could swing from place to place like a monkey on a vine.

Mad Doc’s representative told us there’s no plans as of yet to implement a tractor beam as a tactical weapon, which is a shame, because there’s a lot you can do if only your ship could swing from place to place like a monkey on a vine.

  • One of the first cut scenes in Star Trek: Legacy features Starship Enterprise NX-01, as envisioned in the franchise's most recent series. Expect a battle with the Xindi, not the Suliban, to be the spotlight of this phase of the game.

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