AMD's Super Bypass - AMD Improves their 750 Chipset

Performance Expectations

Well given the 90-95% hit rate of the super bypass feature and the touted 25% reduction in memory latency I would guess that we should see a pretty reasonable gain in performance across the board. I expected to see about a 3% - 5% gain through out our test suite. Obviously, memory intensive applications should receive the most benefit. Another reason I expected to see a pretty good gain is due to the fact that one of the Athlon's platforms biggest bottlenecks is its memory bus. While the CPU is cruising with a whopping 200 MHz front side bus (1.6 GB/sec) the memory is slowly moving at 100 MHz (800 MB/s). Any increase to the platforms memory performance should have a big impact.

Benchmark Setup

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System Settings
ProcessorAMD Athlon (750 MHz & 800 MHz)
MotherboardGigabyte GA-7IX revision 1.1BIOS revision 1.2a (11/23/99)AGP Driver v4.45 (AMD)IDE Bus Mastering Driver v1.22rc (AMD)
Memory128 MB SDRAMCAS 2 / RAS 2
Video BoardNVIDIA GeForce 32 MB DDRCore / Memory Clock 120 MHz / 300 MHzVideo Driver v3.62
Environment Settings
OS VersionsWindows 98 SE 4.10.2222 AWindows NT 4.0 w/Service Pack 6
DirectX Version7.0
Quake 3 ArenaRetail VersionDEMO001 (NORMAL)command line = +set cd_nocd 1 +set s_initsound 0
Descent 3Retail VersionSECRET2
Quake 2AMD 3DNow! V3.20
ExpendableDownloadable Demo-TIMEDEMO
3DMark2000Build 335
TreeMarkSIMPLE 35,000 polygons/frame w/4 lights
Unreal TournamentRetail VersionUTBENCH