AMD Pushes R600 Back To May

Play It Again Sam - Same Story, Different Month

The elusive R600 graphics processor slips away once more.

AMD has confirmed that R600 will be delayed yet once more. The Direct3D 10 hardware was first slated for late November or December for the holiday spending season. That date was moved to January then February and then we were told the specifications and architectural details would be made available in March. This was to coincide with CeBit in Hannover, Germany. Product was then earmarked to ship in late March.

Even this latest scenario will go by the wayside as AMD announced that "To better align our strategy with current market opportunities, we've changed the launch plan for R600. We are going to deliver a competitive configuration to market with an extremely attractive combination of performance, features and pricing, targeting a broader market segment in Q2. With the revised strategy, AMD will be better able to capitalize on the broad appeal of 3D graphics and DirectX 10, being driven in part by the growing popularity of Microsoft Windows Vista."

What this announcement means is that R600 will not be available until May. While the world keeps waiting for the flagship D3D10 hardware to compete against Nvidia's G80, we will all have to sit back and watch Nvidia gobble up market share from AMD.

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