Webcam Quality Test Shootout


The Creative WebCam Center was the best included software of the bunch, giving users the ability to perform all types of remote monitoring and time-lapse capturing. The Creative software does many of the tasks that third-party monitoring programs perform.

In good lighting, all the webcams give acceptable quality images. If you need a wide-angle view, then the Creative NX Ultra, Creative Webcam Live! and the Watchport/V will work well. If you want the sharpest picture and the best color reproduction, then the Watchport/V wins, followed closely by the Logitech Orbit.

In very dim lighting, the Watchport was the hands down winner. All the other webcams gave very poor results. It should be noted that we used much lower ambient light than what you will find in most situations.

If you are looking for the best webcam and can handle the $199 price, the Watchport/V is for you. It is the winner of our Webcam Shootout.