Webcam Quality Test Shootout

Indoor - Very Low Light

Once again, the webcams were attached to an Asus Z9000 laptop . The overhead lights were turned off, so the only ambient light came from the laptop screen and a 17 inch LCD screen. This was done at night so very little light came in from the outside window.

All webcams were on default settings. The Logitechs automatically turned on "Low Light Boost". The webcams were manually focused (except for the Orbit, which has auto focus) on a stuffed koala. The factory lens for the Watchport/V was used.

The Watchport/V has black-and-white and color modes. We gave you captures in both modes.

Clicking on the thumbnails will give you the full quality picture.

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Creative - NX Ultra
Creative - Webcam Live
Logitech - Orbit
Logitech - Quickcam 4000 Pro
Inside Out Networks - Watchport/V