New Windows 11 Insider build autostarts Copilot AI assistant and enables USB 4 80Gbps support

A shot of Copilot in use from Microsoft's official Copilot key introduction video.
A shot of Copilot, which now autostarts for some Insider Preview users, from Microsoft's official Copilot key introduction video. (Image credit: Microsoft)

As announced by Microsoft, the latest Windows 11 Insider Preview Build, 23615, has been introduced to the Windows 11 Dev Channel. This Insider Preview comes with some improvements and fixes, as well as testing autostart functionality for Copilot, the AI assistant in Windows 11.

Since Microsoft is going as far as adding an entire Copilot key to Windows 11 PC keyboards— the first new key since 1994— adding autostart functionality to Copilot makes sense, though fortunately you can also disable the feature if you don't have the key or just don't care for it.

Of note is that Copilot is only intended to start automatically on 27-inch-plus monitors with a resolution of at least 1080p. So if you're using a display smaller than that (and yes, Windows can tell via your monitor's EDID data), Copilot shouldn't have autostart enabled whenever you apply this Insider update.

Matching the recent release of Meteor Lake laptops, which are capable of USB4 80 Gbps support, this Insider Build also implements support for USB4 80 Gbps. As the first major iteration on USB4's base 40 Gbps, the 80 Gbps standard is now broadly comparable to PCI Express 4.0. This should bode particularly well for future devices reliant on external GPUs and high-speed external storage.

Besides these core additions, there is also some extra polish and bug-fixing being done with this Insider update.

On the polish front, Windows Share now has buttons for sharing URLs directly to WhatsApp, Gmail, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Truthfully, Windows Share probably should have already had these buttons. It'd be surprising if this didn't make it to a future mainline update unscathed, since it's fairly harmless.

The bug fixes were both stability fixes for Task Manager and Windows Share being used by Windows Insiders. The issues being fixed are thus most likely exclusive to prior Insiders builds.

If you want to try out this build as soon as possible, Microsoft is providing direct downloads to the ISO files for this Windows Insider build, 23615. As always, it's only recommended to try out Windows Insiders builds if you don't mind being a beta tester and are generally eager to try out new features. If you want to maximize general system stability, it's best to stick with the current stable release instead.

Christopher Harper
Contributing Writer

Christopher Harper has been a successful freelance tech writer specializing in PC hardware and gaming since 2015, and ghostwrote for various B2B clients in High School before that. Outside of work, Christopher is best known to friends and rivals as an active competitive player in various eSports (particularly fighting games and arena shooters) and a purveyor of music ranging from Jimi Hendrix to Killer Mike to the Sonic Adventure 2 soundtrack.

  • hotaru251
    Welp guess its back to win 10 & cortana all over again...when will MS realize not everyone wants resource wasting thign they wont use auto launching at boot?
  • peachpuff
    Can we trigger it with your own word? I'm gonna call mine clippy, hey clippy...
  • sadsteve
    And another auto-start feature to disable.
  • JeffreyP55
    Admin said:
    Released on January 11th, 2024, the latest Windows 11 Insider Build provides support for USB4 80 Gbps, autostart functionality on AI Copilot, and minor fixes to Task Manager and Windows Share.

    New Windows 11 Insider build autostarts Copilot AI assistant and enables USB 4 80Gbps support : Read more
    It is just bing chat renamed for the free version. Chrome is enabled then 100's of trackers show up. Shove Chrome up where the sun doesn't shine.
  • Giroro
    It's always frustrating to see Microsoft keep going all in on digital assistants that nobody has ever asked for, while the core of their products is still completely broken.

    For example, I have multiple Win 10 PCs where explorer completely falls apart and breaks if you leave the PC on for more than, like, 2 days. It's been like this for years. Whenever Win10 has updated over the last 2-3 years, it's just been to do offensive stuff like running a full-screen ad, or force-enabling a literally useless search box. That's how backwards these devs are. They track usage of the search bar, and they think the reason nobody uses it is because they don't know the feature exists. Even though it only gets hidden when somebody turns it off, on purpose.
    I think the most recent update to Windows did nothing but make the "News and Interests" menu annoyingly expand to the top of the screen Windows 8 style, instead of being a compact menu - and this behavior can't be changed nor can I find any acknowledgement that they even did this and it's not some kind of bug - granted this probably a "Google is completely useless in 2024 problem".... but Bing's AI doesn't have an answer either. So at this point I think they're just getting a laugh by screwing around with the small number of people who even bother interacting with their bloat... So why would we trust them that any of the new bloat could ever, possibly, in a million years be good?
    There current Windows product owners seem to have the sole goal of making users as uncomfortable with Windows as possible. Why?

    Not to forget mentioning the slow animations, bad layout, clipped corners, and general awfulness, of Windows 11, Edge, Etc. Maybe they should check to see if their loss of market share has anything to do with people being unhappy with the current state of windows, before shoving another 100 gimmicks down everybody's throat, which also won't ever get functional.

    Fix your crap Windows. In the very least step back and acknowledge that the mad rush to buy Chromebooks in 2020 had nothing to do with the GUI or features - and had everything to do with how you could buy a kid an entire computer for half the cost of a retail Windows license.
  • JeffreyP55
    Copilot free version is just Bing Chat renamed. It launches Chrome which is a infested POS. So, I enable Copilot. 100's of trackers infest my PC. Cant use Copilot..
  • Rabohinf
    hotaru251 said:
    Welp guess its back to win 10 & cortana all over again...when will MS realize not everyone wants resource wasting thign they wont use auto launching at boot?
    You vill use AI, and you vill be happy!
  • hotaru251
    Rabohinf said:
    You vill use AI, and you vill be happy!
  • ezst036
    Giroro said:
    It's always frustrating to see Microsoft keep going all in on digital assistants that nobody has ever asked for, while the core of their products is still completely broken.

    Meanwhile there's a report out there that Linux is now basically at 4% usage. It was only a few months ago that it was 3% desktop usage.

    We keep hearing that Microsoft's intransigence will never ever translate to people becoming Linux users, yet it is Windows that is on a 20 year decline and Linux is higher than ever. So, yeah, people are switching after all.
  • USAFRet
    ezst036 said:
    Meanwhile there's a report out there that Linux is now basically at 4% usage. It was only a few months ago that it was 3% desktop usage.

    We keep hearing that Microsoft's intransigence will never ever translate to people becoming Linux users, yet it is Windows that is on a 20 year decline and Linux is higher than ever. So, yeah, people are switching after all.
    Have you personally made the jump to Linux on all of your personal systems?