BlackBerry Z10 Rumored for March 1 Launch for Ireland

On Wednesday, BlackBerry (formerly known as Research in Motion or RIM) announced two new additions to its portfolio of smartphones. The Z10 and Q10 are the first to ship with BlackBerry's new BlackBerry 10 OS installed. Speaking at a press event in New York City, CEO Thorsten Heins revealed that the Z10, which is launching first, would arrive on major US carriers sometime in March. Canadians will get the device much earlier, with carriers selling the phone from next Tuesday, February 5, and folks in the United Kingdom already can get their hands on BB10.

Rumors doing the rounds this week say that BB10 will arrive in Ireland in March as well. Silicon Republic cites sources that say the phone will arrive on O2 on March 1. O2 has yet to confirm this news, but the device is already for sale through O2 UK both unlocked and on contract.

The Z10 is a touchscreen BB10 phone with a dual-core 1.5GHz CPU, 2 GB of RAM, 16 GB of onboard storage, an 8-megapixel camera in the back, a 2-megapixel camera up front, and (of course) the all important BlackBerry 10 OS, which BlackBerry hopes will turn the company's fortunes around.

A Brief Look at the Technical Specs of BlackBerry Z10, Q10

BB10 Interview With the QNX Boss of BlackBerry OS

Check out our hands-on with BlackBerry 10 on the Z10.

Interview With the BlackBerry Z10, Q10 Industrial Designer

A Complete Video Walkthrough of BlackBerry 10 OS

Read the full live blog here from the BlackBerry Experience

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  • bertrandsbox
    I wonder how receptive people will be to it.
    The prepay market here is still quite large for yuong adults, and from personal experience, I found that most people on BB were either teens with low cost phones for BBM, or business professionals.
    Of course there'll always be the keyboard die-hards that will flock to the Q10, but I'm not convinced that people will leave their iPhones and Android phones for the Z10 in droves.
    I guess we'll just have to wait and see!
  • geekalbert
    Blackberry Z10 seems to be a nice piece of equipment . Fantastic business phone. Great BBM upgrade. It has a duel battery so you never have to charge it. It is much easier to use then the other smart phones and is more modern. I think it is the Rolls Royce of Smart phones and am excited about the future of Blackberry.
  • If a multitude of repetitive and mostly superfluous apps are what you need, then by all means, buy an iPhone. If you like running with the crowd or you're too lame to resist the carrier's salesgoon, you'll be sporting another Android post haste. And if you love a tutti-fruitti, Spumonti-flavored phone repleat with trippy little busy tiles, by all means get a Windows Phone.

    But, if you want a business tool that you can handle without feeling like a giggly teenager, you should get a Blackberry Q10 or Z10.

    It has all the apps you need to be the adult in the room
  • GabZDK
    iknowhowtofixitFanboy much? Get real.... The new BB phones don't do anything that cannot already be done on iPhone, Android, or Windows Mobile. BB is just late to the game in an already saturated market. The only reason why BB still exists today is because they were the first popular "smart" phone, those people got used to the way BB worked and refused to get more familiar with iPhone/Android."Oh but BB is more secure, bla bla bla...." -Anyone who believes a cell phone can be totally "secure" is truly naive.
    Hater much?? Yeah
  • alextheblue
    ranzabarIf a multitude of repetitive and mostly superfluous apps are what you need, then by all means, buy an iPhone. If you like running with the crowd or you're too lame to resist the carrier's salesgoon, you'll be sporting another Android post haste. And if you love a tutti-fruitti, Spumonti-flavored phone repleat with trippy little busy tiles, by all means get a Windows Phone.But, if you want a business tool that you can handle without feeling like a giggly teenager, you should get a Blackberry Q10 or Z10.It has all the apps you need to be the adult in the roomI think you're off base. I don't like Apple, but iPhones are just as capable as the other platforms. Just because it has a lot of trash apps and too much redundancy doesn't mean it lacks the vital ones. Android, well I can't disagree that it does seem to be the fanboy favorite. But to imply that people are lame because a salesperson sells them something? Guess what pal, a lot of the people that walk into stores to buy phones aren't tech enthusiasts. Windows Phone - if you knew anything about it, you'd know that the tiles can customized. Personally I don't think a tiny bit of information is too busy or trippy. Maybe you should stick with the old BBs, because I think BB10 will be too much like the other smartphones for your taste.