Nvidia Signs On Cray Exec As New Tesla CTO

Wednesday Nvidia said that longtime Cray Inc. executive Steve Scott will be signing on as chief technology officer (CTO) for Nvidia's Tesla business unit. According to the company, Scott will be responsible for the overall Tesla roadmap and architecture.

"There are few people on the planet that have Steve's deep system level understanding of high performance computing," said Bill Dally, Nvidia's chief scientist. "Steve's decision to join Nvidia is a resounding endorsement that GPU accelerated computing is the future of HPC. He will play a central role in architecting the world's most powerful supercomputers."

The 45-year-old ex-Cray executive spent the last six years of his nineteen-year tenure as Cray Inc.'s senior vice president and CTO, and was responsible for defining the supercomputer company's technology and system architecture roadmap. He also currently holds 27 U.S. patents in the areas of interconnection networks, processor micro architecture, cache coherence, synchronization mechanisms and scalable parallel architectures... AKA a big win for Nvidia's patent portfolio.

In addition to his achievements at Cray Inc., Scott was the recipient of the 2005 ACM Maurice Wilkes Award and the 2005 IEEE Seymour Cray Computer Engineering Award.

Wednesday Nvidia did not indicate exactly when Scott will take the Tesla CTO throne. "Tesla is rapidly becoming a fundamental technology in accelerated high performance computing and is expected to be the cornerstone in the race to exascale," the company said in a press release.

  • wintermint
    How about more info about keplar?
  • renz496
    wintermintHow about more info about keplar?
    we should hear more about it around Q1 2012 if things goes well on nvidia side.
  • yukijin
    i misread the title as "Nvidia Signs On CRAZY Exec As New Tesla CTO"
  • davewolfgang
    I went in and saw and sat on the first Cray! (My uncle worked for them until he retired!)
  • memadmax
    Oooooh, this is good.
  • memadmax
    Would've been better if AMD got this guy, but meh...
  • BulkZerker
    About time Nvidia stops BSing itself and uses it's monolithic GPUs like it should. As cores for eh next gen Cray supercomputer where they belong. Not in our gaming/home systems.
  • renz496
    memadmaxWould've been better if AMD got this guy, but meh...
    why would he?
  • Hotobu
    ...he actually... looks crazy. Look at those eyes.
  • jgutz2006
    Kind of resembles Conan.... heha