Get a Free Level 85 Character in EverQuest 2

Want to take the shortcut to power and glory in EverQuest 2 without all the level grinding? Are you a returning player and simply don't want to start over from scratch? Sony Online Entertainment has a solution for you: Heroic Characters. These will start at level 85, and players can create one for free starting October 1 to October 15. After that, these characters will require cash.

"The goal is to provide a fun and easy option for existing and returning players to play or experiment with our characters and have immediate access to high-level content. And we think we've created a great program for everyone!" reports Holly Longdale, senior producer of EverQuest 2.

The free Heroic Character creation is part of the company's "Hero's Call" event, allowing players to generate one Heroic Character per household for free during the limited time frame. Existing accounts can create or upgrade to a Heroic Character for free as well, and additional characters can be purchased during the event, as well as afterwards.

Players are provided with three options: Try Before You Buy, New Heroic Character, and Upgrade Existing Character. In the first option, players are given a chance to test-drive a character from level 85 to 86, which can be accessed in the Character Select screen. This equates to around several hours of play and earning 100 Alternate Advancement points (AA). This Free Trial also includes a flying mount, armor, consumables, and a few restrictions.

To purchase a new Heroic Character, players can make their choice at the Character Select screen or while playing as a Free Trial character. These characters start at level 85, provide 280 AAs, all items included in the Free Trial, and is unrestricted.

"The Upgrade option allows you to select any existing character at any level and upgrade it to a Heroic Character," Longdale explained. "All upgraded characters receive level 85 and are increased to 280 AAs, but not beyond. If you are above level 85 and have more than 280 AAs, you won't receive additional levels or points, but will get a bundle of items that includes the flying mount, armor, and consumables."

Longdale also said that an in-game Marketplace item can be bought (and gifted) to upgrade an existing character to a Heroic Character. The Character window also has an icon players can use to upgrade as well.

To help returning players adjust to the number of combat arts and spells, the team has introduced new hotbars in the Heroic Characters. The character begins with one hotbar of core spells and/or combat arts to help players quickly learn and get back into the groove. Additional hotbars are inserted one at a time soon thereafter to help players ramp up. Expert players can quickly get out of this mode at any time by modifying their UI, Longdale said.

Additional information regarding the new shortcut characters can be found here.

  • lunyone
    No thanks, I'll pass on this one. Nice thought to generate past/current members to get in and log into the game, but it's not for me.
  • Azn Cracker
    pay to win!!
  • husker
    For an extra fee, the game will boot up with the message, "You've Won" and proceed into the credits rolling while playing the title song.
  • lunyone
    11651752 said:
    For an extra fee, the game will boot up with the message, "You've Won" and proceed into the credits rolling while playing the title song.

    Followed by a message, "You have won with this character, would you like to try it with another character? Press any key to continue." Lol!
  • Ceee9
    where is the free cert for planetside 2? before that game start bleeding even more...
  • 1991ATServerTower
    Upgrading my Froglok Beastlord!

    EQ2 is the one game that I tried really hard to "get into", because it has all the MMO stuff that I enjoy, which makes it a pretty good replacement for SWG, but I just couldn't get into it... no matter how hard I tried... Given that I never got beyond level 30, I may as well log in and upgrade a character... see what it's like with a higher level character.
  • Marcus52
    I wouldn't be much against this for existing, veteran players who have already leveled up multiple characters. Running through the storyline a 4th, time, or more, can get boring for a lot of people. That being said, learning a new class should be complex enough that you WANT to level up the character.

    Giving new people the ability to buy a new character 10 levels below cap is an attempt to capture more people who really aren't interested in playing an MMO"RP"G anyway. No thanks SOE, and I'll cancel my existing account now.
  • 1991ATServerTower
    11654230 said:
    I wouldn't be much against this for existing, veteran players who have already leveled up multiple characters. Running through the storyline a 4th, time, or more, can get boring for a lot of people. That being said, learning a new class should be complex enough that you WANT to level up the character.

    Giving new people the ability to buy a new character 10 levels below cap is an attempt to capture more people who really aren't interested in playing an MMO"RP"G anyway. No thanks SOE, and I'll cancel my existing account now.
    Not everyone is interested in playing an MMO the way YOU play an MMO. So what if some people only want to play the "end game" content - beats them not playing at all.

    To each his own. There's nothing wrong with that.
  • velocityg4
    Why not just sell a trainer? Then you can just program any stats you want for a character. Then give them any amount of gold, items and weapons.

    Personally I don't play these games precisely because of a lack of a customizable trainer or in game console. I don't particularly enjoy spamming away for hours on end and searching every crack and crevice. I just want to slug through the bad guys, look at the nifty scenery and ogle the cool weapons/armor.

    Who watches a fantasy movie to see the hero slapped around and spend hours killing woodland creatures to build up his stats? I don't, I want to see the hero decked out and kicking ass. So why would I want the opposite in a video game?

    The point of these games is to escape in a fantasy. I spend enough time working out, learning and working each week. I have no desire for my fantasy character to do the same.

    This still isn't enticing enough as it is only one free character and I can't customize any and every stat whenever I want.