Apple Has 91 Percent of Premium 'PC' Marketshare

First reported by Betanews, NPD numbers released today report that Apple has 91 percent of the market share when it comes to computers worth over $1,000. That means nine out of ten dollars spent on PCs costing over $1,000 are spent on Apple computers.

NPD puts the average selling price (ASP) for all PCs sold in June at $701. Desktops sold at an average of $690 with notebooks selling at an average of $703. As Betanews reports, the ASPs get more interesting when comparing Apple machines to PCs running Windows.

For Windows computers, the average selling price was $515. With the ASP for Macs clocking in at around $1,400. To break that down, desktop PCs had an average selling price of $489 and Mac desktops had an ASP of $1,398 while Windows notebooks averaged at $520 (or $569 when removing netbook) and Mac laptops clocked in at $1,400.

In light of the news, there's a lot of talk going on as to who's doing what right. Some say credit should go to Apple's marketing team. What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!

  • Ambictus
    I think credit should go to Apple's marketing team along with their design team. It's their sleek designs that allow their marketing to exist.
  • B-Unit
    Umm, duh, all they sell are 'premium' PCs, and most 'premium' Windows machines are hand built by enthusiasts rather than OEMs.
  • starhoof
    I dont think thats true... just how many of us have a nice rig, that you put in at least $1500 in ???
    I know a lot of people just on my base with computers they built themselves... there is no way apple can track number of people who build PCs themselves, and people who are buying PCs from companies who make custom PCs- Because there a lot of these small companies.... I bet they only looked at numbers from big companies like Dell and HP, and thats about it.....
  • kittle
    Now are you talking "PC" as in a desktop computer? or PC as in a laptop? your article mentions both.

    A lot of premium desktops are assembled by end users from parts. its rather hard to do that with a laptop. (not impossible -- just hard).
  • Kithzaru
    b-unit is thinking along the same lines as i was....

    9/10 premium machines owned are Apple machines.... well 9/10 apple pc's are 1000 or above.. so, they are premium.

    Thats like saying 9/10 porches cost a lot.
  • tektek2000
    Isnt this dumb? i mean this should be a plus for PC users as it means its cheaper and they are smarter for buying something thats as strong if not stronger and cheaper at the same time.. and thats even without OC'ing.. for a site that should be PRO OC's and pro hardware for enthusiasts .. THG seems to be really going out of its way to kiss up to Apple...?
  • paranoidmage
    and when you say over $1000 is "premium" then you have to include everything Apple sells because they only sell products that are $1000+. It just goes to show how much cheaper PCs are than Macs. Few PCs cost more than $1000.
  • cekasone
    Apples are too over priced for what they have inside. You pay for the glossy looks and unfamiliar operating system. Apple is just doing so well because people like to be different and buy something like a Mac to be better than others. My custom rig will smoke the highest end Mac out there. Why spend $1400 on something to go on facebook compared to $500 or less on a Windows based PC that does the same.
  • Honis
    tektek2000Isnt this dumb? i mean this should be a plus for PC users as it means its cheaper and they are smarter for buying something thats as strong if not stronger and cheaper at the same time.. and thats even without OC'ing.. for a site that should be PRO OC's and pro hardware for enthusiasts .. THG seems to be really going out of its way to kiss up to Apple...?Welcome to the other half of Apples Marketing team, The Media!

    So any computer worth more than $1000 is considered a premium computer... I didn't realize I was building premium PCs for 6 years now! This is nice they have the market share but how many did they actually sell? Just because you sell 9 laptops and HP sells 1 doesn't mean market share is relevant.
  • FilthPig2004
    And Bugatti has 100% of the premium car market share ($1.7MM+)