Asus Details Padfone 2, New Windows 8 Laptops

Asus CEO Jerry Shen has revealed more details on the firm's Padfone 2, a smartphone/tablet hybrid, in addition to discussing three new Windows 8-powered laptops.

While the Taiwanese company's successor to the Padfone is due to officially reveal the device at an event tomorrow, Shen unveiled some early details with Bloomberg.

He confirmed the Padfone 2, which will be slimmer than its 9.2mm predecessor, will feature a 13-megapixel camera, as well as a 4.7-inch HD screen. Comparatively, the original Padfone contained a 8-megapixel camera and 4.3-inch display.

The Padfone operates as a smartphone, which can be plugged into the Padfone Station that transforms it into a tablet, whilst also charging it simultaneously. The tablet can then be linked to a keyboard, essentially making it a fully-fledged Android-powered laptop. The Padphone 2 is expected to run Android 4.1 Jelly Bean.

Shen also detailed three new Windows 8-powered laptops: the Taichi, the UX51 and the U38. The Taichi's launch schedule will be announced during December, while the latter two are said to be due for a November release following Windows 8's October 26 launch.

The Taichi features an Intel core i7 processor, as well as two touchscreens with one situated on the device's lid. Consequently, the laptop can be shut and then used as a tablet. The UX51, meanwhile, will run on an Intel core i7 processor and have a 15.6-inch touchscreen. The U38 will contain an AMD processor and 13.3-inch touchscreen.

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  • whiteodian
    I hate the name "pad" in my technology. Makes me think of feminine hygiene products. How about Photab or Tab-Phone?
  • quicksand10
  • pacioli
    There was a padfone 1?
  • schnitter
    Make Padfone 8 Windows 8 device (or call it whatever turd you want) and you have yourself a buyer.
  • kab1985
    I hope it gets a US release. I like my iPhone 4S, but the Padfone would steal me away without a second thought.
  • Old_Fogie_Late_Bloomer
    Shut up and take my money!

    Actually, I love this idea, but since I like to keep my cellphones in hard cases, I doubt I'll go for this...
  • back_by_demand
    So, with all the hype surrounding the impending release of Windows 8, why has Tom's hardware still not yet reported on the Xbox Music story, when 16 hours ago they were telling the story on the radio, not even a big radio station but a local Rock station based in Birmingham, UK
    I understand there is a lot of stuff going on, but a multi-platform service, free with ad-support, premium ad-free, DRM-free downloads, cloud based - will this story get some colum inches by the end of the week?
  • samwelaye
    back_by_demandSo, with all the hype surrounding the impending release of Windows 8, why has Tom's hardware still not yet reported on the Xbox Music story, when 16 hours ago they were telling the story on the radio, not even a big radio station but a local Rock station based in Birmingham, UK...I understand there is a lot of stuff going on, but a multi-platform service, free with ad-support, premium ad-free, DRM-free downloads, cloud based - will this story get some colum inches by the end of the week?
    its because toms is ALWAYS late on news. reviews are great and ontime, news sucks. take this article for instance, it was on pocketnow yesterday.
  • back_by_demand
    samwelayeits because toms is ALWAYS late on news. reviews are great and ontime, news sucks. take this article for instance, it was on pocketnow yesterday.I am expecting Tom's to do a full article on the Surface and Windows 8, around October 29th-ish, after the weekend, maybe even late in the afternoon, no rush
  • raytseng
    pacioliThere was a padfone 1?yes, with one of the most awkward intros ever: