Blizzard Offers 75% Off World of Warcraft Prices

With World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria coming next month, Blizzard hopes to reel more players in with a World of Warcraft mega-sale. From now until August 27th, players can purchase the World of Warcraft Battle Chest for $5, Wrath of the Lich King for $5, and Cataclysm for $10 when purchased directly from Blizzard.

With the limited sale, players that are completely new to the World of Warcraft universe will be able to create their own Panda character for a total of $59.99. If you haven't seen it yet, Blizzard also recently released the game's first opening sequence. With Mists of Pandaria coming in as the franchise's fourth expansion, it's no surprise Blizzard is offering these discounted prices.

Of course, it may also have something to do with the fact that the game has lost millions of subscribers since its first expansion. Will you be joining in on the pandamonium September 25th? Or are you still anxiously waiting for a Titan announcement?

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Tuan Mai
Tuan Mai is a Los Angeles based writer and marketing manager working within the PC Hardware industry. He has written for Tom's Guide since 2010, with a special interest in the weird and quirky.
  • xaed
    Let the next generation of MMOs take over.
  • xaed
    Let the next generation of MMO's take over; GW2 is two days away.
  • xaed
    Let the next generation of MMOs come; GW2 is just around the corner.
  • vilenjan
    I bet half of the ppl who buy these will be doing to RAF a new monk >_>
    Still Blizz will probably pick up more new subscribers with this deal than some MMOs ever get in their lifetime.
  • house70
    People still play that?
    More importantly, would NEW players get into that old game? Start from scratch AND pay a monthly fee for that?
    IDK, just legitimate questions here, because I for one would not even consider doing that. If they made it free-to-play, I might consider it, although given that the game is ancient, I doubt it.

    I have to admit, I loved the trailer.
  • gorz
    Everyone that wants to play wow is already playing wow, so what is the point of this?
  • house70
    edit/ deleted, double post. Sorry for Tom's malfunction...
  • -Fran-
    I'll wait on Titan, actually.

    WoW is not a bad game in any stretch, but I got bored of not finding a decent guild to play with and have fun. Also, got tired of scripted fights; that's what really turn me down I guess.

  • NuclearShadow
    As a player who stopped playing before any expansions were released I certainly couldn't see myself going back now. I imagine that most places in WoW are now simply abandoned by players with key focuses on worth while places only. EverQuest shared this same fate where so many expansions eventually entire continents were like ghost towns and you could spend a week on them and not see another player.

    A aged and expanded MMO is not welcoming to new comers or late returners. People should just check out the newer ones or ones soon to be released.
  • Marcus52
    Not excited about MoP (1st time I haven't been excited about a WoW Xpack), and frankly, while I expect Titan to be a technical marvel, I'm tired of the stories the developers are telling. Same devs, same old themes, some that started in Diablo. Not excited about Blizzard, which I think is "over the hill" and on the decline.

    Thankfully, Gearbox has created a gem called Borderlands, and Borderlands 2 will come out Sept. 18 (in the U.S.). Gearbox is a company that's still excited about their games; if you've ever heard CEO Randy Pitchford talk about Gearbox games in general and Borderlands 2 specifically, you know what I'm talking about. BLT looks to be better than the original in every way you can imagine - including graphics on the PC. PC players aren't getting just a port this time, they are getting the good stuff that can only be done on a PC.

    So, come September I'll be excited, but this time it'll be for a "RP Shooter" called Borderlands 2, not the WoW Xpack and not an MMOG.
