Kingston Reveals SSDNow V100 for Mainstream

After revealing its next generation SSDNow V+ SSDs for corporate client system use last week (PR), Kingston Digital followed up with an announcement on Monday that it shipped the 2.5-inch SSDNow V100 SSDs designed for mainstream consumers. Kingston said that the new SSDs offer the best performance enhancer and most cost-effective upgrade path for desktops and notebooks without having to replace the entire rig.

"We are determined to stimulate the consumer upgrade market through Kingston's various upgrade bundle kits that provide cloning software and all of the accessories needed to advance one's desktop or notebook PC from a hard-disk drive to an SSD," said Ariel Perez, SSD business manager, Kingston. "Our new SSDNow V100 drives do just that as they represent the best value for an affordable upgrade solution with a low price vs. performance ratio."

The V100 will arrive in three capacities--64 GB, 128 GB and 256 GB. They'll also arrive as a stand-alone unit and as an upgrade bundle kit for desktops and laptops. The desktop version contains the SSD, cloning software, cables (SATA data and power), and 3.5-inch hard-drive mounting brackets and hardware. The notebook bundle includes the SSD, cloning software and a 2.5-inch external enclosure allowing the replaced hard drive to be used as extra storage.

As for hardware specs, the new SSDs feature Windows 7 TRIM and S.M.A.R.T. support and provides read speeds up to 250 MB/s, write speeds up to 230 MB/s for the 128 GB and 256 GB models, and up to 145 MB/s write speeds for the 64 GB model.

Prices for the stand-alone drives range from $119.99 to $489.99 whereas the prices for the bundled drives for desktops and laptops range from $129.99 to $499.99.

  • eaw2539
    Those prices look pretty decent. I'll have to jump into the world of ssd's soon.
  • Superwack
    Prices are getting better :)
  • abswindows7
    I emphase on the word Getting .

    We're not there already xD
  • g00fysmiley
    120 for a 64gig dootdrive with those speeds is pretty damn impressive. this might make me jump on board and use this as an OS drive
  • rohitbaran
    $489 for 256 GB Decent? No way. Nothing like $1/GB.
  • drwho1
    until SSD's can reach 500GB at a reasonable $100 tag, I just won't care for SSD's.

  • killerclick
    SSDs were sexy until the riff raff could afford them.
  • burnley14
    I like the bundled cloning software. Nice for those times when you forgot where you put those pesky installation CDs.
  • dEAne
    Lots of things are getting bigger I guess I could wait for the price to drop.
  • ruffopurititiwang
    It will take a long time before SSDs catch up with the $/GB of a hard drive. That may not even happen at all. Hard drives did not catch up to the $/GB of tape. That doesn't mean tape drives are a better buy just because $/GB is cheaper. Tape just took on a different function: as a backup media.

    I believe HDDs are well suited for media STORAGE and SSDs are best viewed as a PERFORMANCE upgrade. If you're buying an SSD for media storage at today's price, you're doing it wrong. I mean, do you need 250MB/s transfer speed for your pr0n? Buy an SSD for your OS and programs and be amazed by how responsive your computer will become.

    Bottom line: It's a performance upgrade; not a storage device.