Nvidia Releases Tech For Streaming 3D Video

Tuesday during NAB 2011, Nvidia announced that it has opened the doors to its 3D Vision video player technology for free, allowing websites to stream stereoscopic 3D video supported by Nvidia 3D Vision-equipped PCs. The free tech arrives in the form of a plug-in for the Microsoft Media Platform (MMP) Player Framework v2.5 (formerly known as Silverlight Media Framework).

"With Nvidia's new 3D video plug-in, developers can now take full advantage of the stereoscopic 3D video streaming support available in the latest version of Microsoft Media Platform Player Framework," said David Sayed, senior product manager at Microsoft Corp. "Microsoft is delighted to work with Nvidia to deliver exciting functionality and capabilities to help developers build the next wave of websites powered by the Microsoft Media Platform."

Nvidia said the new plug-in is based on the one that's used on its popular 3D web community, 3DVisionLive.com. The MPP Player Framework is open-source code that enables developers to quickly deploy robust, scalable, customizable media-player applications for the Web, based on Microsoft Silverlight and with full support for IIS Smooth Streaming and Microsoft PlayReady DRM, Nvidia said.

To get started, web developers can head here to get the 3D video player plug-in and the how-to guide outlining key steps into getting stereoscopic 3D video support up and running. StudioTV, the "world's first" 3D video sharing website, is one of many who have already started adding Nvidia's new plug-in. However, for those who don't have hardware to support stereoscopic 3D, there's plenty of old-school red/blue 3D videos to watch too.

  • Ogdin
    Yay,free eye strain and headaches for all.
  • lasaldude
    OgdinYay,free eye strain and headaches for all.

    This is going to be great for all the porn online - For Science!
  • Video is NSFW, And should be labeled as such. Please correct this.
  • cburke82
    I demoed this tech at frys the other day. I have to say it looked great but the extra eye candy is killed off by the clunky glasses you have to wear at least for me :(
  • Oh heck yeah! I just got my 3D stereoscopic system setup this week, just a 260GTX and Acer Projector 5360. Alice in Wonderland looked great on it. There definitely needs to be more content, and the glasses need to be more reasonably priced then I see it taking off nicely imho. Blu-Ray and 3-D are the future. ;)
  • tntom
    I agree with BillnTedson above. Please don't post a link like that without warning about it's adult content.
  • ltbob
    Youtube is already streaming 3d?
    Do they mean active shutter 3d?
  • ravewulf
    Microsoft Media Platform Player Framework
    That's a mouth full. Two M's followed by two P's
  • virtualban
    Well, I for once had no intention to click the link, until the users warned about it. Then, I got curious, and clicked it, haha. Of course not the proper way to watch stereo without either the PC hardware or the glasses, not the proper time either. I did it for the lolz :P
  • Firehead2k
    I thought enthousiast visit this site. And I would expect them to check where a link takes them before they click it...
    "3d-porn-test-r-rated-mp4.html" pretty much gives it away what you can expect.