AMD Clarifies Radeon R9 Battlefield 4 Never Settle Bundle

Gamers looking to pick up a Radeon R9 series graphics card who are also interested in Battlefield 4 will be wise to know that its inclusion in the Never Settle Forever is not like the rest of AMD's game offers. Unfortunately for some early adopters, it appears that the Battlefield offer will not be anywhere near universal. AMD sent over a statement clarifying the situation:

While all AMD Radeon R9 series cards are theoretically eligible for the promotion (which is administered by AMD’s channel partners), retailers and add-in-board partners ultimately decide which select AMD Radeon R9 SKUs will include a copy of BF4. As with all limited promotions, it’s important that customers ensure that the specific product they’re purchasing qualifies for the promotion, and that they’re buying from a participating retailer during the promotion period. Also, it is critical to note that this promotion is only valid while supplies last. To make it easier for our community to identify bundled products, BF4-qualifying SKUs and promotions of which AMD is aware will be posted on the portal below over the coming days and weeks, as soon as AMD is advised of their activation by its channel partners. Check for more details and for full promotion terms and conditions. Here are two links with the Battlefield 4-enabled SKUs:XFX: We’ve also received many inquiries via email and through Facebook and Twitter from customers who have already purchased an AMD Radeon R9 series graphics card, and are inquiring if the BF4 bundle will be made retroactive. Due to contractual agreements with EA/Dice, AMD was unable to make the BF4 promotion available before November 13th. However, as a gesture of goodwill towards our loyal fans, AMD will be giving away 1000 BF4 codes through our social media channels over the coming weeks. Details will be available soon at and on

AMD did not provide a reason for why Battlefield 4 is being handled so differently. Based on AMD's comment about "contractual agreements with EA/Dice," it's entirely possible that EA put greater stipulations on how widely Battlefield 4 could be distributed in a bundle.

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Follow Marcus Yam @MarcusYam. Follow us @tomshardware, on Facebook and on Google+.

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • rolli59
    Well never buy anything based on rumors, there will be a lot of pissed off people but with out having an voucher in your hands how can you expect that you bought the product.
  • Avus
    I let people beta test the video card and the game for some more... specially that "crashy" EA game...
  • vmem
    I don't get people who complain "I bought my card too weeks again, I demand some backwards redemption of my BF4 code!!!"... they do realize that AMD is bundling in BF4 to boost R9 series sales AFTER it has slowed down right?
  • internetlad
    On the upside, now they don't have to deal with Origin!
  • Jordan Nwokolo
    Meh !! when i heard their previous announcement(about BF4 Game bundle) i'm so exicited and have a plan to buy that card,but now they broke my i had no choice but to give my money to GTX 780 and got free Batman AO,AC Black Flag and splinter cell..Good Bye AMD
  • azzazel_99
    Lol another amd fail.
  • ninjustin
    I bought a 7950 right before AMD offered their first Never Settle Bundle. Was I pissed? No. I bought the product I bought. Don't rush out and buy something and be pissed when a better deal comes around. That is always going to happen eventually.
  • FreyjasChosen
    So I bought an R9 280X one week before they announced this, and they're appreciating that by passing out Facebook keys that are gone in a split second? Bullshit.
  • m32
    I guess I'm one of the few people that reads the product page.... If it doesn't have the deal on the page then I assume that it doesn't come with it. I can't see someone who is into tech getting fooled. I doubt non-techies were even effect because they most likely don't even visit sites like this to even hear about the deal. You only had what??? One day till it was cleared up....

    People just love to get pissed off about nothing.

    11943752 said:
    Meh !! when i heard their previous announcement(about BF4 Game bundle) i'm so exicited and have a plan to buy that card,but now they broke my i had no choice but to give my money to GTX 780 and got free Batman AO,AC Black Flag and splinter cell..Good Bye AMD

    So you bought the 780 yesterday? Stop trolling. AMD is the only reason you have those free games & price tag anyway. Be thankful for competition for when you go with the red or green team.
  • Thomzey
    "So I bought an R9 280X one week before they announced this, and they're appreciating that by passing out Facebook keys that are gone in a split second? Bullshit."

    They are doing it randomly though the AMD Gaming Evolved app not on FB or twitter
    but it still sucks that people who brought the cards before this bundle was available don't get codes for being loyal fans, but i guess that's just how it works, so stop complaining.