This 3600W Chinese Power Supply Is Basically a DIY Brown-Out

There's a lot of cool hardware on the cryptocurrency mining scene, and one of the latest toys seems to be this Chinese 3600W power supply (via Cybercat 2077) that has surfaced at Daraz, an online marketplace that has the unit available as a flash deal. 

Fundamentally, the LX-3600W is a fusion of two power supplies that couldn't have been possible without some engineering magic. The power supply measures 30 x 19 x 8cm (11.8 x 7.5 x 3.1 inches), so it's doubtful that it'll fit into a typical computer case. Since it's a unit tailored to cryptocurrency mining addicts, the LX-3600W will likely find its way to a mining rack.

Assuming that our theory is sound, then each unit could provide up to 1,800W of power in unison to deliver the advertised capacity. Naturally, a standard 120V wall plug can't deliver this much power, so the unit requires a 160V-260V power input, saying, "and the ordinary passive PFC power supply cannot work when the voltage is lower than 190V."

There are two primary cooling fans, which may measure 120mm or 140mm in size. Additionally, two smaller cooling fans are positioned on the front of the unit to help with heat dissipation.

The product description for the LX-3600W states that the unit reportedly features an active PFC design and boasts a "90 Plus Platitum" certification. We assume that's a typo for 80 Plus Platinum – we're highly doubtful of the merchant's claims. The LX-3600W appears to sport a single-rail design and delivers up to 288A on the +12V rail.

The LX-3600W is designed for cryptocurrency mining, so it isn't short on cables. The list of cables includes a standard 24-pin and 8-pin EPS cable for the motherboard and up to sixteen 6+2-pin PCIe power cables, ten 4+4 SATA power cables, and even four Molex IDE power cables. This mixture of cables allows the LX-3600W to power up to 10 graphics cards and as many as 20 graphics interfaces.

The LX-3600W is currently on sale for 62,690 LKR, which equates to around $329.13. The unit lacks a warranty, so it's one of those buy-it-at-your-own-risk products. That explains why no one has apparently bought it yet, at least judging by the fact the listing has zero user feedback.

Zhiye Liu
News Editor and Memory Reviewer

Zhiye Liu is a news editor and memory reviewer at Tom’s Hardware. Although he loves everything that’s hardware, he has a soft spot for CPUs, GPUs, and RAM.

  • imin
    It's not a typo. "80 PLUS Platitum" certification is equivalent to "Over 9000 Plus Platinum" certification.
  • mdd1963
    'Platitum' is the new pinnacle standard.... above all others!
  • InvalidError
    288A@12V, perfect for DC arc welding!
  • Colif
    nice to see miners don't care if the PSU isn't modular. Or use sleeved cabling. I expect all the stickers on sides are faked as well.

    I would love to see someone actually test it, I have my doubts it can do what it says.

    Guess it might kill their GPU faster than just the mining will.
  • King_V
    All I can say is....

  • rubix_1011
    Other options to use this which are not coin mining related:

    Provide power to a small community
    Charge your Tesla or other electric car
    ( I do like the welding idea...kudos on that one)
    Power the laser defense grid of your volcano lair
    Retrofit each of the electric chairs in the state of Texas
    Create your own Energon cubes to sell so the Decpticons will leave everyone alone
    I hear there's a DeLorean somewhere that needs a quick jump
    Power enough LEDs to create your own Dyson Sphere
    Build your own particle accelerator and smash atoms
    Play Crysis
  • jonnyguru
    Total scam. And illegal in every country INCLUDING China.

    Probably can't do anything over 2000W, but I even doubt that.

    It would start fires even if it were 100% efficient.

    Note the C13 power inlet. That's rated at 10A. You would need to run this on 360V+ mains in order to not set the plug on fire at full load.

    At 230V, you're only going to be able to pull 2300W from the wall without melting the insulation on the cable.
  • mdd1963
    The article stated: "Fundamentally, the LX-3600W is a fusion of two power supplies that couldn't have been possible with some engineering magic.

    Guessing they meant 'without'? :)
  • kamotzii
    This isn't just a 90 Plus Platitum, it's a 150 Plus Platitum. It claims that the input power is 180-240V with a 10 amp draw. That's a max of 2400 watts of input power, and 3600 watts output. 150% power efficiency, that's pretty damn good!
  • Phaaze88
    Even though it was bull, it was still an amusing read.