Intel's Core i7 Solution for Shopping at the Mall

Well know what we like to do with Intel Core i7 CPUs inside our systems. But Intel has a different sort of application that it demonstrated using its latest chip technology.

At the Intel booth, we saw an interactive floor plan that could be used by retailers to both help the customer find what they are looking for, adding things to their shopping list, as well as advertise new products.

While digital floor plans are already in use in some malls, this cool feature for this system is that the display is transparent. The viewing angle of the images is quite limited, so the display is most visible to those standing directly in front of it. For those viewing it from the side, it appears as just a clear window.

The big clear panel is touch sensitive so consumers just need to touch what they want to see. To the side of the clear display is a bright flat panel that could be used to advertise new products or special offers.

The software runs on Windows Embedded 7 and a Core i7 CPU.

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • builderbobftw
    Why does this need so much CPU power?

    I would think an i3 woul;d be good
  • carlhenry
    can i buy crysis?
  • triplebug
  • shovenose
    carlhenrycan i buy crysis?lol xD
  • Bert R
    an interactive floor plan that could be used by retailers to both help the customer find what they are looking for, adding things to their shopping list, as well as advertise new products.
    find what they are looking for, adding things to their shopping list, as well as advertise new products.
    advertise new products or special offers.
  • hellswaters
    I am more impressed about the screen that appears to be a window than the interactive map.
  • xurwin
    triplebugWhat? no. there's no video card
  • xurwin
    carlhenrycan i buy crysis?no. there's no video card
  • PC_GI
    I imagine the screen will be disgusting with finger prints...
  • mlopinto2k1
    PC_GII imagine the screen will be disgusting with finger prints...It should come with some of those electrostatic cleaners like in Demolition Man. I mean, they have enough power to do it, right?