Crytek’s 'Robinson: The Journey' Coming To Rift This January

Crytek is bringing virtual dinosaurs to the Oculus Rift Platform. The development studio revealed that Robinson: The Journey is only exclusive to PSVR until January.

Crytek first revealed Robinson: The Journey in July 2015. The developer couldn’t ignore all the positive feedback it received from its two VR tech demos, Return to Dinosaur Island 1 and 2, so it decided to build a full-fledged game out of the concept.

Shortly after the announcement, we spoke with David Bowman, Crytek’s Director of Production, about the Robinson: The Journey project. During the interview, Bowman explained that Crytek was working with the three major VR players: Oculus, Playstation, and HTC/Valve.

We interpreted Bowman’s comment as an indication that Robinson: The Journey was destined for all three VR platforms, but that was the last time Crytek mentioned anything about it coming to Rift and Vive. In October 2015, Crytek revealed that Robinson: The Journey would be a launch lineup title for PlayStation VR. The developer didn’t say the game would be exclusive, but it only mentioned Sony’s platform.

Crytek further reinforced the illusion of PSVR exclusivity at E3 2016. The company revealed a PSVR trailer for the game, again with no mention of the other platforms. Also, the PlayStation blog featured an interview with two Crytek developers that worked on the game; Elijah Freeman and Fatih Oezhayram.

Crytek spent a lot of time and effort promoting Robinson: The Journey for PSVR, and no effort at all talking about the possibility for other platforms. Had we not spoken with David Bowman in 2015, Crytek’s announcement that Robinson: The Journey is coming to Oculus Rift would be a complete shock.

Crytek plans to release Robinson: The Journey to the Oculus Store in January. The developer didn’t provide any further details about the release, so there’s no telling what may be different about the two versions of the game. Crytek built Robinson: The Journey with CryEngine, so we expect to see a wide range of graphics options to take advantage of the most powerful GPUs. No one uses the phrase “Will it run Crysis?” anymore, but maybe we’ll be asking “Will it run Robinson?” next year.

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 Kevin Carbotte is a contributing writer for Tom's Hardware who primarily covers VR and AR hardware. He has been writing for us for more than four years. 

  • zdaggs
    No way I can support crytek after reading about how they treat their employees.
  • kcarbotte
    19040919 said:
    No way I can support crytek after reading about how they treat their employees.

    A company can only afford to pay for it's employees if it sells product.
    Crytek just came out of a long stretch of spending money. It can't recover unless people buy it's recent games.
  • kanoobie
    A company and investors assume risk in order to possibly make a profit and employees work to get a paycheck. If the company does poorly then the workers will be out of a job, so I don't know if not supporting a company would help their employees in any way. But, I do think that paying their employees for their work already completed (no one should work for free) should take priority over the company's bottom line.
  • serendipiti
    " No one uses the phrase “Will it run Crysis?” anymore, but maybe we’ll be asking “Will it run Robinson?” next year."
    Well, Will it run Crysis was used these days when talking about ARM CPUs running x86 code,
    maybe the joke went unnoticed...

    Merry Christmas and happy new year @tomshardware
  • MasterMace
    The company seems to have issues paying it's employees. It's pretty simple - you pay them. The accounting behind this is relatively simple. You borrow money, you pay your employees, you sell the product, you pay off the loan. You save the extra money. Rinse repeat. If you can't afford an employee's work, then you don't hire the employee.
  • fry178
    how many ppl you personally know, worked for them and didnt get paid?
    a friend of mine worked for them as tester for a few years, and could even bring family/close friends with him (brother in law/niece played crysis in 3D month before it came out.
    almost all stories where BS, when talking with ppl actually working there.

    cant say anything about the time after the last crysis release, since he switched jobs to be a programmer.
  • wifiburger
    is it actually getting released ? didn't they close 90% of studios cause they are unable to pay their staff for months ?
  • jasonelmore
    Crytek employee's were never in threat of losing 2 or 3 months pay. Their goverment will cover up to 3 months pay, even if the company goes under and has 0 funds...

    Sure they had to go without money for a few months, but they could turn around and borrow from a bank with very little trouble or paper work because of the goverment guarantee.
  • fry178
    not even that long. it takes about 2-4 weeks to apply/receive the money.
    unemployment gets paid for at least 1y, before "social security" will pay rent/food.
  • Badelhas
    What abut HTC Vive support?