Microsoft Ads Makes More People Want Windows

It wasn’t a super cheery day for investors during Microsoft’s recent earnings call as the company reported its first profit drop in 23 years.

On the bright side, Microsoft’s Laptop Hunters ad campaign appears to be working. According to TechFlash, Microsoft’s own research shows a 10 percent increase in preference for Windows PCs since launching the TV spot series.

Microsoft didn’t reveal where or how it came to its 10 percent number, but inquiries have already gone to the Redmond company for more details.

This news came at the same time Apple reported a record quarter, though it was thanks to growth in the iPhone and iPod products. Macs saw a 3 percent drop.

Interestingly enough, Microsoft’s Laptop Hunters TV ads don’t do anything to push the Windows operating system. This is in contrast to Apple’s Mac and PC ads that attempt to highlight various perceptions of the Windows Vista operating system when compared to Mac OS X.

Instead, Microsoft’s latest ad campaign does more service to hardware manufacturers such as HP and Sony, pointing out that PC notebooks are far more affordable than MacBooks.

For one reason or another, that seems to make more people want Windows.

Check out all the Laptop Hunters commercials so far at the links below:

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • PC buyers are what NetBooks users are to Apple owners.
  • KyleSTL
    ^ Someone obviously did not get a 1600 (or more recently 2400) on their SATs. That is one of the worst analogous statements I've ever seen.
  • Annisman
    Well, it's not hard to convince people to buy a superior product, M$ should have been doing these commercials as soon as MAC got the gaul to launch theirs.
  • The Schnoz
    They should have another commercial where a customer goes into a Apple Store and asks for a laptop with features they can't get on a Mac, like blue-ray, 1920x1080 resolution, a true 16x9 screen, HDMI output, quad core processor, 500GB hard drive, etc., etc. HP has one with all these features, an 18.4" screen and 4GB of RAM for $1,700. Thats $1,000 less than Apples 17" Mac Book Pro. The Apple store clerk will basically have to say that they don't offer any of those options, but heres a laptop with none of that for $2,700.
  • bardia
    The SchnozThey should have another commercial where a customer goes into a Apple Store and asks for a laptop with features they can't get on a Mac, like blue-ray, 1920x1080 resolution, a true 16x9 screen, HDMI output, quad core processor, 500GB hard drive, etc., etc. HP has one with all these features, an 18.4" screen and 4GB of RAM for $1,700. Thats $1,000 less than Apples 17" Mac Book Pro. The Apple store clerk will basically have to say that they don't offer any of those options, but heres a laptop with none of that for $2,700.
    HAHA... so true so true. Several manufacturers offer products superior to the MBP for $1k or more less. Amazing.
  • Windows is probably the worst desktop operating system around. I'd pay double the price for the same machine if it ran Linux or OSX flawlessly. It's not just about hardware specs you know.
  • christop
    I like windows on my desktop and leopard on my laptop.. I am ready for 7 love the beta...
  • Shnur
    christopI like windows on my desktop and leopard on my laptop.. I am ready for 7 love the beta...I wish I had a Mac for laptop... I keep on stealing my girlfriend's from time to time to work outside... on the other case she steals my powerhorse desktop PC... I believe that in this way I get the best of both worlds and I know how to use both => how to fix both.
  • Master Exon
    fukcyouPC buyers are what NetBooks users are to Apple owners.Superior?
  • macer1
    wow this is a pure hate on for mac products at toms. Well if they can't get their spelling, facts or even editor right then why not just give the people what they want.

    feed the trolls