Official Box Art for Palit's GeForce GTX 480, 470

While we don't yet have Nvidia's upcoming GF100-based video cards to show you just yet, we have received some of the first box art for retail GeForce GTX 470 and GTX 480 that you'll see in stores from Palit.

Here's the front of the box for the GeForce GTX 480 with confirmation of its 1536MB of GDDR5 configuration.

And here's the art for the GeForce GTX 470 with 1280MB of GDDR5.

Stay tuned for the official launch on March 26!

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • liquidsnake718
    Wow, just looking at the box makes me wonder how Palit of all of the vendors got first dibs on marketing their "boxart'! Im sure you guys at TOM's must have a beta GTX480 and 470 sent by Nvidia so when the cards are released you would have a FULL REVIEW! Im actually getting tense as I cant wait to compare one of these cards with a Cypress card!

  • sabot00
    It's ok.
  • expertester
    I started to feel nVidia 'fermi' is a little bit too much hype. Box art become a news...hmmm.

    I am sure many will disappointed if this card fail to justify its price.
  • mlopinto2k1
    I think the box is alright but I think the name of the card should be in the middle.
  • I more interested on the price than the performance
  • mindless728
    they have gold and silver box art, they need a GTX260 for bronze
  • Can't wait to get one of these! I'm so excited I might just smash my Radeons! :D
  • killerchickens
    YAEEE!!!! YAAEEE!!!! WOOOOO!!!! BOX ART!!! head explodes.
  • doomtomb
    It looks really good. Not too flashy, looks professional.
  • duckmanx88
    surprised they didn't add a flash of DX11 on there too