Windows 10 Technical Preview 10074: Windows 10 Nearing Completion

During Build, Microsoft released a new Windows 10 technical preview with several smaller improvements, coming off as a more polished version of the previous build.

The most noticeable area in which the OS has changed is with the look of the user interface. Although the changes to the user interface aren't as major as the previous technical build, Microsoft continues to tweak the OS based on loads of user feedback. As a result, Windows Aero has returned by popular demand. Live Tile animations were also added to the Start menu.

We reported a while back that virtual desktops would be included in Windows 10, and indeed, they are present in this build.

Unfortunately, I was not able to test out Cortana, one of the main areas of improvement in this build. Cortana is reported to have a visual refresh and an updated interface, but every time I tried to use it, I received a network connection error.

I tried to fix the issue by reinstalling the OS, but the issue persisted. When attempting to browse the Internet, I was presented with countless certificate errors. The Windows Store was also not functional, however, so I am forced to assume there is some kind of issue or update occurring with Microsoft's servers that prevented my system from connecting.

Surprisingly, despite the glitch with Cortana, Windows Updates are still working. I'm not sure if this change occurred in an earlier build,or I just never noticed it before, but Windows now notifies you well in advance before an update occurs. This seems very helpful instead of having an update come unexpectedly, requiring you to restart when you're not ready.

One last update I took a look at was the default Music player. It seems essentially the same as in Windows 8, but now you can use it in a window form. Most of the advancements to the Music player seem to be related to the shopping experience inside of the program, however.

Along with these updates came a number of bug fixes and other improvements such as updated system sounds and the ability to launch Win32 applications from the Start menu again.

Overall, the system felt very useable, and navigating the OS was simple. There might be a few glitches, but those seem like they might be on the server side of things and not the OS. Though I noticed a few small glitches in the OS at first, such as not having access to the Start Menu, the problem wasn't persistent.

Windows 10 seems to be nearing its completion with this latest build. Hopefully, Windows 10 will make its full release at the end of July as reported by AMD's CEO.

Follow Michael Justin Allen Sexton @LordLao74. Follow us @tomshardware, on Facebook and on Google+.

Michael Justin Allen Sexton is a Contributing Writer for Tom's Hardware US. He covers hardware component news, specializing in CPUs and motherboards.
  • 3ogdy
    And the mothertrucking theme still looks like Windows 8. It's Windows 8.2. Same bullcrap, with an initially-smaller startscreen. What the fracking fruck? You call that Windows 10? Oh wow! Just wow!
  • SchizoFrog
    Oh WOW! Indeed, but only at your ignorance. Keep on hating all you want, that vast majority of us W10 users are very, very happy with it.
  • Sam Bittermann
    Oh WOW! Indeed, but only at your ignorance. Keep on hating all you want, that vast majority of us W10 users are very, very happy with it.

    I'd hate to disagree with you but the last build was buggy as hell. HDMI audio stopped working altogether and the programs UI elements are still not consistent at all. I really like the under the hood changes but the UI is still a mess and very inconsistent. A lot of work yet to be done in a short amount of time.
  • orlbuckeye
    Well announced Wednesday that Windows 10 will be able to port Android, IOS, Java, Chrome and Linus to modern Windows. Windows 10 all apps run on the desktop and in Windows. I can't even tell the difference between desktop app and modern apps.
  • Kadathan
    And the mothertrucking theme still looks like Windows 8. It's Windows 8.2. Same bullcrap, with an initially-smaller startscreen. What the fracking fruck? You call that Windows 10? Oh wow! Just wow!
    So? Your issue with windows 8 / 8.1 was a "It looks dumb" issue rather than a usage issue?
    Not the same bullcrap at all, and the start screen not being a separate part of the OS is a huge change in function and usability. Sounds like you have no idea what was wrong with windows 8.
  • Puiucs
    So many people who didn't even try windows 10 are writing hate comments. Try it and you'll see how much better it is compared to windows 8.
    Also, if you find bugs then send a report to MS, it's the main reason why they are testing it.
  • Larry Litmanen
    When i built my PC few months ago i did not want to spend $100 for W7 and i would never pay for W8, it is horrible.

    So i thought why not give this W10 Tech Preview a's amazing. To easy to use, great layout, it takes the best of what W7 had, the best of W8 (as little as it had) and combined them.

    Windows 8 turned two people in my household into Mac people, it was really THAT bad, but this W10 is honestly great. I suggest everyone upgrade to it.
  • TechyInAZ
    Looks great! Can't wait to try it!

    BTW...Windows 7, Vista, XP users:

    While I know you all love the regular start menu, you got to realize that windows is building an OS designed for the future. Touchscreens and mice are going to co exists very soon. So my point to you all is, get used to it. :)

    I'm also trying to get used to it, but I adapted from windows 7 to windows 8 just fine. So it shouldn't be too hard to adapt to windows 10.
  • A_J_S_B
    Indeed, Windows 10 is almost ready...almost ready to be the next Windows 8 cluster****, that is.

    For starters i can't believe that customization of colors, fonts,etc. was EVEN MORE crippled than in Windows 8.x !

    Just ******* amazing,
  • Larry Litmanen
    Indeed, Windows 10 is almost ready...almost ready to be the next Windows 8 cluster****, that is.

    For starters i can't believe that customization of colors, fonts,etc. was EVEN MORE crippled than in Windows 8.x !

    Just ******* amazing,

    You notice how people who have used it give it great reviews and people who did not bash it.

    Dude not only is W10 great, when you consider that you are going from W8 it makes it that much better.