Meet The Editors Of Tom's Hardware (And Their Technology)

Denmark: Marvin Graversen's HTPC

My HTPC is powered by a Core i3-530 in an Intel DH55TC motherboard with 4 GB of Mushkin Stiletto RAM. I'm using an OCZ's Agility 3 60 GB SSD and a fanless low-profile HIS Radeon HD 5570 DDR3. Everything fits inside a SilverStone Milo SST-ML03B case.

I had good reason to build such a capable HTPC; I really love my Panasonic plasma TV, and I can't imagine buying any other brand. But I also believe that Philips Ambilight is more than just a useless gimmick. Therefore, I chose to make my own Ambilight. With the right tools, some cheap parts from Hong Kong, and great open source software, I got it up and running in less than 18 work hours. The software requires a Windows-based HTPC with a decent processor and graphics card. This made my cheap do-it-yourself Ambilight setup a lot more expensive than I initially anticipated.

The case has some internal size limitations, which forced me to get rid of the PSU's cover. Even still, I could barely install a Blu-ray drive. I also learned the hard way that an open PSU is not healthy decision. Even with the machine turned off, I've still been shocked several times when my hand got too close.

Also, note the teal chewing gum at the back of the sound card. This is my brilliant solution to muffle the motherboard's on-board speaker. I couldn’t figure out how to disable the annoying and utterly useless beeps during boot-up.

Denmark: Marvin Graversen's Mobility

I actually had the original iPhone imported from the U.S. in 2008, but the screen cracked within the first two months. After a failed attempt to repair it, I decided there was nothing I could do to save it. I had an iPhone 3GS for about a year after that, and I upgraded to my iPhone 4 a month after it was released in Denmark. The only damage it has received over the past two years is a bunch of minor scratches, but I'm really looking forward to replacing it in October (hopefully) with the new iPhone 5.

On a side note, I wrote to the biggest Danish gadget magazine (called GEAR) to complain about its obviously biased attempt to prove that the iPhone 4's antenna didn't have any problems. The editors there didn't completely agree with me, but I did end up winning a Samsung smartphone for submitting the best monthly mail.

Finland: Matti Vähäkainu's Bio

My name is Matti Vähäkainu, and I work as the editor-in-chief for a company called AfterDawn. In addition to our own local and global sites, we develop and publish Tom's Hardware Nordic, which includes Tom's Hardware Finland, Tom's Hardware Denmark, and the latest addition, Tom's Hardware Norway.

I really love all things tech. I performed my first overclocking experiments in early 2000 (there’s nothing more exciting than getting more performance out of your Duron thanks to a pencil). However, in both my personal and professional life, my interests are shifting from PC hardware toward mobile phones.

Finland: Matti Vähäkainu's Desktop

This is my workhorse, a boring, yet efficient and reliable computer. This iMac has been around for maybe a year now, and I'm perfectly satisfied with it. Most of what I do could on a daily basis could be achieved with ancient hardware, so there's no need for ultra-sophisticated components.

I've been using a Mac as my primary work platform for six years or so, and there's really no getting over the fact that it meets my needs almost perfectly. There's nothing special about this setup, but maybe that is just what you need for a stable work environment.

Oh, there's one more thing: I'm usually the one responsible for testing our websites under OS X. You need to keep at least one Mac guy around, even if I really don't consider myself one.

Finland: Matti Vähäkainu's Server

Meet my beloved iBook. It's not your typical server, but that's the role it performs for me. I'm pretty proud of it, even though I don't ask much of it anymore. It sits under my TV set and acts like a server as much as a white 12-inch iBook G4 can.

I like that I've found a way to recycle and reuse at least some of my old hardware. This rather silent laptop is surprisingly good at running Web services. I might be able to do the same stuff now on a Raspberry Pi, but at least I didn't have to throw the cute iBook away.

Finland: Matti Vähäkainu's Mobility

These days, I use my laptop almost as much as my primary desktop computer. It's always nearby and ready to satisfy all of my needs during work and play. But it's also probably the least-sexy laptop you can buy.

This 17-inch HP dv7 is one of the least-interesting machines I have, too. Its performance is awful, it's really too large to set on your lap, and its only unique features are HDMI output and a Blu-ray drive (yes, those were novelties back when I bought it).

Oh, and did I mention that the battery is totally dead and the keyboard is broken? I cannot use it away from a wall, and I have to use a Bluetooth-connected keyboard. Well, you know what they say about the cobbler's children... (Ed.: Actually, we had no idea what they say about the cobbler's children until we looked it up)

I really don't tinker with PC hardware that much, but I do love to get geeky with my phones. I switch them out pretty regularly, but my device of choice is the lone MeeGo-based model, Nokia's N9.

The N9 can pretty much handle any of the Unix wizardry I throw at it, and I do like command line. Dual-booting to Android? Check. Running SSH and FTP servers? Check. Playing NetHack? Check. Good Twitter and Facebook integration, and true multitasking are also worth mentioning. And you can't deny that it's a gorgeous phone.

France: David Civera's Bio

My name is David Civera, and I'm an editor for Tom's Hardware France where I write about electronic engineering, R&D, components, and the latest trends in the technology world we love so much. My setup is best summed up with the mantra I live by today: minimalism, mobility, and data redundancy.

Creativity and productivity flow better when I'm in a minimalistic environment. As a result, you don't see a lot on my desk. Papers are scanned and trashed by the end of the day, and files on the Windows desktop are automatically sorted out using Hazel. The platform itself is kept out of sight under the top panel of the standing desk pictured here. My uncle, a retired carpenter, specifically made it for me, and this is without a doubt the possession to which I'm most emotionally attached.

Not only was the desk built by a family member, but it was also made in the Philippines, where I've been living for a year and a half (and will be leaving next year). My family and I moved here knowing it would be a temporary home, which helps explain why mobility is so important. I don't want to ship a desktop between here and Canada (my actual country of residence). Furthermore, we are currently staying in a remote area prone to natural disasters. During the Nesat typhoon last year, my ability to pack everything up in less than 30 minutes and put it as high as possible in my second-floor apartment saved precious time as we prepared to flee on a rescue boat to escape flash floods that reached as high as 9.5 feet.

France: David Civera's Desktop And Storage

Conditions aren't always optimal here, but I have an answer for every problem. I bought the HyperMac external battery just before the company was no longer allowed to sell the MagSafe adapter, and it's great during the many blackouts we experience. Incidentally, this also means the absence of a backlit keyboard on my 11" MacBook Air is a big source of grievance. A compact form factor makes up for it, though; it's been wonderful for working in a small cubicle at an Internet cafe, due to this town's unreliable connection.

At my home-office, the laptop is attached to a 23" LCD from LG (the E2350). I also use the SM3 earphones from EarSonics coupled with custom in-ear pieces to block exterior noises and immerse myself in the content that's playing. My camera of choice is a Panasonic Lumix LX5, which takes great pictures and is small enough that I can carry it around without looking as if I work for National Geographic.

The fact that the MacBook Air only holds 128 GB of data means that my iTunes and iPhoto libraries are cloned on two 3 TB external hard drives. There's also a 750 GB external hard drive connected to an AirPort Express that acts as a Time Machine backup and a clone of the system drive. The fear of losing everything is always present and, from time to time, I'll also use a 3.5" hard drive. The BlacX 5G enclosure from Thermaltake makes it easy to pop the drive out and keep it offsite. You can't have enough copies of your baby's face full of spaghetti sauce.

Germany: Benjamin Kraft's Bio

My name is Benjamin Kraft, and I am the managing editor of Tom’s Hardware Germany. Based just outside of Berlin, I am in charge of many of the same tasks as Chris, just on a local level. In addition to being responsible for the final versions of the articles as they appear on the German site, it’s my job to ensure there is always content to be published, which means being available to my team from when we cook up article ideas together to the point when the final draft gets handed in and subsequently edited. I also frequently write news and cover events like Computex, CeBIT, gamescom, and IFA. Lastly, I coordinate closely with Chris and Don in the U.S. on launch coverage, translating back and forth between German and English so everything is ready by the time the press embargo lifts.

Translation is actually what brought me to Tom’s in the first place: I started out at Tom’s Hardware 12 years ago as a freelance translator, and many of the graphics card articles you may have read until about 2006 were most likely translated into English by me (look for anything by Lars Weinand, whose English voice I basically became). I was lucky enough to be hired full-time in 2007 and began covering notebooks, tablets, and generally any computing device that will run without a power cord. Since April of 2011, I have been managing a small but dedicated group of freelancers and full-time writers who bring you the VGA charts, CPU charts, SSD comparisons, as well as other articles.

Germany: Benjamin Kraft's Desktop

When I joined Tom’s Hardware, I built a then-powerful machine based on a Core 2 Duo E6750 with 2 GB of RAM, a 320 GB drive, and a GeForce 7950 (remember those?) running Windows XP. Incremental upgrades to a Core 2 Quad Q9400, 4 GB of RAM, a 500 GB Samsung hard drive, a GeForce GTS 250, and later a Radeon HD 6970 tided me over until last month, when my system stopped booting up. After resuscitation attempts failed, I decided to bite the bullet and do a rebuild.

The Kraft-Rig 2012 combines Intel’s Core i5-3550, MSI’s Z77A-GD65, 4 GB of RAM (soon to be upgraded), a 128 GB SSD with the old 500 GB hard drive, and the Radeon HD 6970. It’s a nicely powerful but quiet machine, and it’s just fun to use. The Radeon drives two monitors, a five-year-old HP w2207h (22”) and an LG Flatron IPS235P (23”). Budget permitting, the LG will soon get an identical twin to keep it company. For writing, editing, and research, you just can’t have enough screen space.

On the input side, I currently have a CM Storm Trigger as my keyboard, and after my trusty Microsoft IntelliMouse Optical decided to become click-happy after five years, I replaced it with a Logitech G400. As you can see, my system is a constant work in progress.

  • ksampanna
    Somehow, i feel pretty proud of my i7 920
  • Uberragen21
    But do they know how to proof read before posting?
  • amuffin
    Uberragen21But do they know how to proof read before posting?ahahaha....AHAHAHAHAHAAH!!!!
  • army_ant7
    I think I'm turning gay! :lol: But seriously, I admire these guys! Chris and Don, many thanks! You have my great appreciation and a lot of the members here at TH shouldn't take you guys for granted. Looking forward to more cool reviews!
    I'd also like to thank every other editor (or anyone who contributes to the articles) whether they're listed in this pic article or not! LONG LIVE TOM'S HARDWARE!
    (BTW, for some odd reason, I thought you were German, Don. Sorry about that. :p)
  • cangelini
    Uberragen21But do they know how to proof read before posting?I challenge you to track down errors in our feature content. I spend all day most days proofreading ;-)
  • cangelini
    army_ant7I think I'm turning gay! But seriously, I admire these guys! Chris and Don, many thanks! You have my great appreciation and a lot of the members here at TH shouldn't take you guys for granted. Looking forward to more cool reviews!I'd also like to thank every other editor (or anyone who contributes to the articles) whether they're listed in this pic article or not! LONG LIVE TOM'S HARDWARE!(BTW, for some odd reason, I thought you were German, Don. Sorry about that. )I'm sincerely glad you enjoy the work we do. :)
  • dudewitbow
    majudhuno doubt about apple marketing here

    I would think the editors needed something thin and light to carry around. before the advent of ultrabooks and sleekbooks, there arent many choices for extremely thin strong laptops(disregarding cost as a factor). Albeit I was never a fan of apple pricing, their engineers are really good at making the laptops thin and efficient heat wise. The thin counterpart to a macbook on windows would be the razor blade, but that thing is even more expensive than a mac. It also doesn't hurt to use a unix based operating system as a mobile unit.
  • mayankleoboy1
    Great read! Been waiting for an article like this for a loong time.

    No love for Andrew Ku and Crashman ? they do ~ 50% of the articles
  • cangelini
    Consider also that I have a Lenovo Carbon here in the lab, which is badass, aside from the touchpad, but also more expensive than an Air.
  • cangelini
    mayankleoboy1Great read! Been waiting for an article like this for a loong time.No love for Andrew Ku and Crashman ? they do ~ 50% of the articlesThose two are camera-shy. If folks like this one, though, we have a ton more editorial guys around the world. We just have to trick them into participating.