On Location At AMD's 2012 ExtravaLANza Event

Welcome To AMD's Campus In Markham, Ontario

Located just north of Toronto, AMD keeps the fire lit in its campus' main atrium. On October 20 and 21, the company hosted ExtravaLANza, a LAN party for enthusiasts and an open exhibition area where partners like Ubisoft, Asus, MSI, PowerColor, Diamond, Sapphire, XFX, Gigabyte, Newegg Canada, NCIX, Cooler Master, NEC and SilverStone all had things on display.

ATI Mobility Radeon Museum

On display in the halls of AMD's meeting rooms are GPUs chronicling the company's past as ATI. Obviously, this collection covers previous-generation Mobility Radeon chips.


This is the BYOC area shortly after the Team Fortress 2 tournament started.

Gamers Gaming

Here's a group of serious gamers, each armed with his or her choice of headphones.

Kickin' It Old School

Some guys from Oakville, ON brought CRT-based monitors.

Check Out Those Tubes

Here's one gamer's machine. A see-through 5.25" bay gives you a great view of the braided tubing inside.

Gamers' Builds

Most of the attendees were proud to show off their rigs, and with good reason.

A Clean Job

We were impressed by this exceptionally clean and tidy configuration.

Lara's Back

Moving back out into AMD's main atrium, we find a massive banner advertising the upcoming Tomb Raider game.

AMD's Doors Its Open To The Public

The event got fairly busy once AMD opened its doors to the public. Hardware vendors were giving out promotional items and bigger prizes.

Family Fun In 3D

Some families even made the event their weekend entertainment.

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • amuffin
    GX60 has an A10-4600M and a 7970M? That's going to be an interesting combo. :)
  • joytech22
    7970M and a 4600M will be VERY interesting. :S
    Hopefully in a good way considering the CPU is pretty damn weak.
  • obsama1
    That Sapphire Mini APU computer looks SWEET. I could imagine something like w/ Kaveri. Would be an amazing portable gaming system.
  • dudewitbow
    amuffinGX60 has an A10-4600M and a 7970M? That's going to be an interesting combo.
    with the 7970m being the cheaper high end gpu of the two with power similar to a desktop maybe like 660, along with a a10-4600m which is probably similar to a dual core i-series but probably cheaper would probably make it a pretty good budget oriented high end laptop I would think. Its more or less moving the cost of a i7 cpu to fund the more important gpu for gaming purposes on a laptop. Depending on its price, It may be able to shove around alot of laptop recommendations.
  • monkeymonk
    I don't think that is braided tubing that is just an acrylic detail inside of that res.
  • dormantreign
    I wish there were more pictures or some video.
  • TheinsanegamerN
    where can i get that msi gx60?
  • milkshakez7z
  • buzznut
    It's a Forzen Q res, can be found here:
  • digiex
    Far cry picture sure has a super realistic shoulder and head. The photographer got the right angle.