Games That Support HTC Vive Trackers

HTC Vive Tracker Supported Games

HTC's Vive Trackers and the first round of trackable accessories are now available, but what can you do with them? Following is a list of all the games that we know of that support the Vive Tracker universal tracking pucks in one way or another. Some of these games are compatible with special accessories, and some of them take advantage of partial or full-body tracking solutions. A small handful of these games use the Trackers to solve locomotion issues.

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Climbey is a competitive climbing game that features ArmSwinger locomotion. The game offers multiplayer, but it doesn’t include avatars for the players. Climbey avatars are represented by floating heads, torsos, and hands.

Climbey’s developer added Vive Tracker support to the game in April, but not to support full-body avatars. Climbey’s tracker support simply increases the floor height accuracy. If you have two Trackers, you can strap them to your feet and calibrate the game to use the trackers to estimate floor height. The game also supports one tracker, but it doesn’t have a calibration system for hip height. If you’re not using foot trackers, don’t calibrate the floor. The game will automatically use the Tracker’s position relative to the headset to estimate the floor position.

  • Tracker Support: One orTwoTrackers, hip or foot tracking
  • Tracker Accessory: TrackStraps, Belt Clip
  • Publisher: ShadowBrain Games
  • Developer: Brian Lindenhof
  • Multiplayer?: Yes
  • Store Page: Steam

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A Tornuffalo is a new form of weather event, in which a tornado butts heads with an angry herd of buffalo. To survive a rare tornuffalo storm, you must be fast on your feet or quick with your hands to dodge or smash the building debris, fire hydrants, vehicle, and buffalo hurling towards you. 

In April, RealityRig released a free update for Tornuffalo that enables Full-Body Action mode, which allows you to use your whole body to dodge out of the way while the Trackers on your feet allow you to kick the low flying debris if you don’t have time to get out of the way.

RealityRig said that Full-Body Action mode would work with two Trackers, but this mode is optimized for three Trackers.

  • Tracker Support: Two or three Trackers, foot, full-body tracking
  • Tracker Accessory: TrackStraps
  • Publisher: RealityRig
  • Developer: RealityRig
  • Multiplayer?: No
  • Store Page: Steam

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Final Soccer VR

Final Soccer VR used to be known as Final Goalie VR, but in April the developer changed the name because it added the ability to kick soccer balls instead of merely keeping them out of your goal.

Final Soccer VR features robust support for body tracking, including the full three-Tracker configuration for full-body tracking, two trackers for foot tracking, or one tracker for kicking foot tracking. You can also play the shooting modes without a tracker by securing a controller to your foot.

  • Tracker Support: One, two, or three Trackers, foot, feet, full-body tracking
  • Tracker Accessory: TrackStraps
  • Publisher: Ivanovich Games
  • Developer: Ivanovich Games
  • Multiplayer?: Yes
  • Store Page: Steam

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Tilted Mind

Tilted Mind is a room-scale version of a tilting marble maze. Instead of using your hands to turn dials that tilt the board’s surface, you walk on top of the maze to shift its position.

Tilted Mind supports HTC’s full-body tracking solution to give you more precise control over where you’re standing. The developer said that you could use two Trackers for foot tracking, but the code is not optimized to track just your feet. For the best experience, you should have three Trackers--one on each foot and one strapped to your belt.

  • Tracker Support: Two or three Trackers, full-body tracking
  • Tracker Accessory: TrackStraps
  • Publisher: Paul Svelmoe
  • Developer: Paul Svelmoe
  • Multiplayer?: No
  • Store Page: Steam

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Goalie VR

Goalie VR puts your hockey goal-tending skills to the ultimate test. Do your best to keep the puck out of the net by yourself in a 5v1 competition.

Goalie VR launched with support for HTC’s full-body tracking solution so that you can use your whole body to stop the puck. Strap two trackers to your feet so you can move the shin pads, and strap another one to your hips so you can get into a position like a real goalie.

  • Tracker Support: Three Trackers, full-body tracking
  • Tracker Accessory: TrackStraps, belt clip
  • Publisher: Hailstone Games
  • Developer: Hailstone Games
  • Multiplayer?: No
  • Store Page: Steam

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High Fidelity

High Fidelity is an open-source, multi-user VR platform that you can use to build anything you want. Think of High Fidelity as a combination of AltspaceVR, VRChat, and Sansar, except with High Fidelity you're free to build anything you desire without incurring a cost to host it.

In August, High Fidelity Inc. added Vive Tracker support to High Fidelity to enable realistic motion for virtual avatars. High Fidelity’s full-body tracking system is a custom solution that offers different features than HTC’s full-body solution. Most of the full-body solutions utilize three trackers to keep track of your feet and hips. High Fidelity’s solution supports more tracking points for finer motion control.

If you have four Vive Trackers, you can attach two to your feet, one to your belt, and another one to your chest.

  • Tracker Support: Four Trackers, custom full-body tracking solution
  • Tracker Accessory: TrackStraps
  • Publisher: High Fidelity, Inc
  • Developer: High Fidelity, Inc 
  • Multiplayer?: Yes
  • Store Page: Steam

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Holodance is a virtual reality rhythm title for the HTC Vive. The game features more than 12,000 songs to choose from, and each song is calibrated for precise note synchronization.

Holodance first hit Steam with the launch of the Vive in April 2016, but the game is still an Early Access title because Narayana Games keeps adding features. Holodance is one of the most feature-complete VR titles for game streamers. It offers mixed reality support with integration into OBS Studio, and a Streamer mode, which provides a third-person camera view for spectators.

To enhance the spectator experience, Holodance supports full-body tracking with three trackers or foot tracking with two trackers. When your feet are tracked, you can use them to hit the notes as they come at you.

Holodance also supports Vive Trackers for the spectator camera, which enables you to attach the spectator camera to a Vive Tracker so that you can move the in-game camera at will. The spectator camera is like a mixed reality camera without the need for green screens, a capture card, and a video camera.

  • Tracker Support: Two or three Tracker body tracking, single Tracker for spectator camera.
  • Tracker Accessory: TrackStraps
  • Publisher: Narayana games UG
  • Developer: Narayana games UG
  • Multiplayer?: No
  • Store Page: Steam

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The Path of Greatest Resistance

The Path of Greatest Resistance is a made-for-VR on-rails FPS shooter that features an active locomotion system. You can play the game with smooth locomotion, but you can also play the game with a jog-to-move locomotion system.

The standard build of the game calculates the jogging motion from your head’s motion, but with Vive Trackers, the game can use your real stepping motion to propel you forward.

RealityRig said that you would need three trackers for the best experience in The Path of Greatest Resistance. However, if you don’t have three trackers, you can get away with two units for foot tracking.

  • Tracker Support: Two or three Trackers, foot, full-body tracking
  • Tracker Accessory: TrackStraps
  • Publisher: RealityRig
  • Developer: RealityRig
  • Multiplayer?: No
  • Store Page: Steam

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VR Monster Awakens

VR Monster Awakens pays homage to the Rampage World Tour SNES games from the '90s and brings the concept into virtual reality. You play as a giant Godzilla-like monster that wreaks havoc and destroys everything in sight.

You can use your hands to smash buildings, grab people, and throw vehicles across the city. And if you have a pair of Vive Trackers, you can use your feet to stomp on the foolish military people who are trying to kill you.

  • Tracker Support: TwoTrackers, foot tracking
  • Tracker Accessory: TrackStraps
  • Publisher: Fight4Dream Limited
  • Developer:Fight4Dream Limited
  • Multiplayer?: Indevelopment
  • Store Page: Steam

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VRChat is a multi-user virtual reality social platform with a variety of activities to share. The VRChat platform features games to play with others as well as countless virtual worlds to explore. VRChat is also a great place for artists and world builders to share their creations. VRChat Inc. offers an SDK that enables you to import custom character models and environments into VRChat.

VRChat offers full-body avatars with animated features such as voice synchronized lips and blinking eyes. The developers built animations that enable you to sit or crouch with the press of a button, but if you own a set of Vive Trackers, you don’t need to use the pre-programmed animations. In August, VRChat Inc. added support for full-body tracking with three Vive Trackers, which enables advanced motions such as crossing your legs, laying down, or dancing.

  • Tracker Support: Oneor three Trackers, hiporfull-body tracking (no support for just feet)
  • Tracker Accessory: TrackStraps
  • Publisher: VRChat Inc.
  • Developer: VRChat Inc.
  • Multiplayer?: Yes
  • Store Page: Steam

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 Kevin Carbotte is a contributing writer for Tom's Hardware who primarily covers VR and AR hardware. He has been writing for us for more than four years. 

  • loki1944
    What a gawdawful offering; wouldn't touch any of those games with a ten foot pole.
  • cryoburner
    20498060 said:
    What a gawdawful offering; wouldn't touch any of those games with a ten foot pole.
    But would you virtually touch the games by strapping a Vive Tracker to the end of a ten foot pole?
  • budokaiboy
    I have the racquet bundle and the blaster bundle. The ping pong and tennis are spot on. I'm really enjoying mine.