Games That Support HTC Vive Trackers

Redfoot Bluefoot Dancing

Rebuff Reality’s Redfoot Bluefoot Dancing is a VR rhythm game that can best be described as a mashup between Audioshield and Dance Dance Revolution. The game takes advantage of the Vive Trackers to bring your feet into the game so that you can kick notes for higher scores.

Redfoot Bluefoot Dancing offers configurations for two or three trackers, but for obvious reasons, you can’t play the game with just one. It's available on Steam, but you can get a free copy if you order a pair of Rebuff Reality’s TrackStraps.

  • Tracker Support: Two or threeTrackers, foot or full-body tracking
  • Tracker Accessory: TrackStraps
  • Publisher: Rebuff Reality 
  • Developer: Rebuff Reality 
  • Multiplayer?: No
  • Store Page: Steam

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Paddle Up

Paddle Up is a virtual reality ping pong game that offers online multiplayer competition. There are different levels of grip to tailor your paddle to your style of play. Paddle Up also includes multiple single-player modes that you can play to hone your paddle-wielding skills before you take on real opponents online.

If you want a leg up on the competition, you may be interested in trying a Vive Tracker and a ping pong paddle peripheral. Even if it doesn’t improve your game, the realistic feeling of the Vive Tracker ping pong paddle adds to the immersion of the experience.

  • Tracker Support: One Tracker,
  • Tracker Accessory: Vive Racket Sports Set, ping pong paddle attachment
  • Publisher: Pavel Jamal
  • Developer: Pavel Jamal
  • Multiplayer?: Yes
  • Store Page: Steam

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Eleven: Table Tennis

Eleven: Table Tennis is another virtual reality ping pong game. However, the title is more of a simulation than Paddle Up. Like Paddle Up, Eleven: Table Tennis offers online multiplayer competition, and it features advanced AI that should keep you on your toes in single-player matches.

Eleven: Table Tennis also supports the ping pong paddle from the Vive Racket Sports Set to enhance the immersion of the experience.

For Fun labs warned that using a Vive Tracker could cause problems with mixed reality recording setups.

  • Tracker Support: Single Tracker
  • Tracker Accessory: Vive Racket Sports Set, ping pong paddle attachment
  • Publisher: For Fun Games
  • Developer: For Fun Games
  • Multiplayer?: Yes
  • Store Page: Steam

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First Person Tennis

First Person Tennis is a tennis simulator complete with 13 tournaments that span seven "real" tennis courts and feature real tennis professionals to compete against.

First Person Tennis supports a variety of input methods, including keyboard/mouse, gamepad, or motion controllers. You can also use a Vive Tracker and a racket peripheral (or real racket) to enhance the tennis experience.

  • Tracker Support: One Tracker
  • Tracker Accessory: Vive Tracker Tennis Racket, real tennis racket
  • Publisher: Mikori Games
  • Developer: Mikori Games
  • Multiplayer?: No
  • Store Page: Steam

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#SelfieTennis is a silly game in which you play tennis with yourself. Every time you hit the ball, you get transported to the other side of the tennis court to receive your own volley.

VRUnicorns said that it primarily uses the trackers in-house to animate its character models with human actors, but shortly after it received trackers to experiment with, the developer added Vive Tracker support to #SelfieTennis.

  • Tracker Support: One Tracker
  • Tracker Accessory: Vive Racket Sports Set, Racket accessory
  • Publisher: Bandello
  • Developer: VRUnicorns
  • Multiplayer?: No
  • Store Page: Steam

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Pitch Hit: Baseball

Pitch Hit: Baseball is an arcade-style batting game with multiple levels, including a low-gravity space level, and multiple pitching styles including T-Ball, Pitcher, and Self-Pitch modes.

The developers of Pitch Hit: Baseball have an internal build of the game that supports Vive Trackers, which should be available publicly in the near future.

  • Tracker Support: One Tracker
  • Tracker Accessory: Vive Racket Sports Set, Racket accessory; Real baseball bat
  • Publisher: Viewer Ready
  • Developer: JJ Castillo, Greg Tamargo, Fox Buchele
  • Multiplayer?: Coming Soon
  • Store Page: Steam

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Virtual Sports

Virtual Sports from Free Range Games is both a tennis game and a ping pong game that is easy for anyone to approach. The game menu has a simple touch interface that doesn’t require button inputs; you simply reach out and touch the buttons with your virtual racket or paddle to get started.

Virtual Sports supports the racket and the paddle from the Racket Sports Set. In fact, you get a code for the game when you buy the Racket Sports set and Vive Tracker bundle.

  • Tracker Support: One Tracker
  • Tracker Accessory: Vive Racket Sports Set, paddle and racket
  • Publisher: Vive Studios
  • Developer: Free Range Games
  • Multiplayer?: Yes
  • Store Page: Steam

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Island 359

Cloudgate Studio was one of the first developers to embrace HTC’s Vive Tracker. Shortly after HTC revealed the device, Cloudgate Studio began experimenting with full-body tracking. At GDC 2017, the developer let us stomp on compies in an experimental build of Island 359, and now that the Vive Trackers are available, you can do the same.

In early December, Cloudgate released the “Virtual Self” update for Island 359, which enables full-body avatars with enhanced body tracking. You don’t need a Vive Tracker to enable the virtual self avatar, but you can improve the body and leg accuracy by attaching one, two, or three trackers to your body.

  • Tracker Support: One, two, or three Trackers, hip, foot, full-body tracking
  • Tracker Accessory: TrackStraps
  • Publisher: Cloudgate Studio
  • Developer: Cloudgate Studio
  • Multiplayer?: No
  • Store Page: Steam

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Duck Season

Stress Level Zero’s Duck Season is a VR spoof of the classic Duck Hunt NES game with a dark twist to it.

Duck Season starts off like a duck hunting game, complete with a Hyper Blaster lightgun peripheral. However, as you get deeper into the levels of the game, things progress from happy, to creepy, to downright terrifying.

You can play Duck Season with a standard motion controller, but you can have a more fulfilling experience if you use the Hyperkin Hyper Blaster peripheral, which resembles the lightgun from the game.

When you buy a Hyper Blaster and Vive Tracker bundle, you also get a code for Duck Season with your purchase.

  • Tracker Support: One Tracker
  • Tracker Accessory: Hyperkin Hyper Blaster
  • Publisher: Stress Level Zero
  • Developer: Stress Level Zero
  • Multiplayer?: No
  • Store Page: Steam

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Practisim VR

Practisim VR is a game for pistol lovers. It offers realistic simulations of multiple professional pistol shooting disciplines, including IPSC, USPSA, Pro-Am, and Steel Challenges. To play Practisim VR, you must demonstrate proper weapons handling just like you would on a real gun range. The timer won’t start until you “make ready.”

You can play Practisim VR with the Vive wands, but a pistol simulation game deserves a pistol peripheral to get the full experience. With a Vive Tracker and a Hyperkin Hyper Blaster, you can have an enhanced simulated pistol shooting experience.

  • Tracker Support: One Tracker
  • Tracker Accessory: Hyperkin Hyper Blaster
  • Publisher: AncientSky Games
  • Developer: AncientSky Games
  • Multiplayer?: No
  • Store Page: Steam

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 Kevin Carbotte is a contributing writer for Tom's Hardware who primarily covers VR and AR hardware. He has been writing for us for more than four years. 

  • loki1944
    What a gawdawful offering; wouldn't touch any of those games with a ten foot pole.
  • cryoburner
    20498060 said:
    What a gawdawful offering; wouldn't touch any of those games with a ten foot pole.
    But would you virtually touch the games by strapping a Vive Tracker to the end of a ten foot pole?
  • budokaiboy
    I have the racquet bundle and the blaster bundle. The ping pong and tennis are spot on. I'm really enjoying mine.