Head Two Head: Matrox Millennium G450


The Matrox homepage offers drivers for all common operating systems including Linux. Their Windows drivers have been stable and well designed, as we did not encounter any problems during our tests and benchmarks. I did not take screenshots of the windows to change the color setup and the resolution, as most of you will be aware of the available options.

This window shows some functions offered by Matrox's software called Power Desk. Here you may enable or disable the Quick Desk utility, which is loaded by default when Windows starts up. Power Desk is also able to save the position of your windows and icons. After a system crash, the software will automatically restore their positions. "Performance" allows you to change some parameters which concern the 3D modes.

Here you can enable the Dual Head feature. "Clone" will show you the same screen on both monitors. "Zoom" will enlarge a section of the first screen and splash it onto the second. "DVD Max" makes it possible to show a DVD movie in the secondary screen. Finally, using "Multi Display" lets you expand the desktop onto both monitors.