Nvidia Goes For Four: Quad SLI Gaming Dissected

Black & White 2 - High Res

Black and White 2 is a mean game where it is hard to keep high frame rates. Being a hybrid real time strategy game, the camera can move to any angle; with the level of detail involved, the GPU never gets a break. Quad proves that it can maintain solid frame rates in Black & White 2 with anti-aliasing turned off. When enabled, the frame rates fall, but it's nothing substantial. With some of the previous tests, it holds up the bottom curve close to the top. Again, we are not impressed with the scores and feel they are low due to the infancy of driver.

F.E.A.R. - High Res

Can you say WOW? No matter how much you throw at Quad SLI it keeps the FPS well within the realm of playability. Interestingly, we see that with Softshadows enabled, Quad can crank them out faster than with them off and AA enabled. This is contrary to what we have seen in the past with graphics cards using resolutions of 1600x1200 and below - normally, we would see 4xAA 8xAF outperform NoAA 16xAF with Softshadows.