Photo Printers: Canon S900 and S9000

Comparison With Rivals: A4 Photo Print

When compared with other photo-dedicated models, the S900 and S9000 are easy winners. The most surprising comparison is with the S800. The difference we noted in the 21 x 29.7 cm photo prints is one to four. In many cases, this would justify dropping the old model in favor of the new. Its Epson and HP rivals are way behind it here.

The HP Photosmart is a de facto general purpose model, the only one with really good desktop printing results. On the other hand, the fact that it doesn't focus on the photo mode eventually becomes a disadvantage. Overall, it is six times slower than the S900 in high resolution.

The S900 comes out fairly well in the end. It may be slower than the HP in desktop mode, but remember that this configuration is only for use as a spare printer. If you can afford it, the ideal solution is to combine it with a laser printer.

  • PissedOff
    Yes! Excellent page Tom - but now tell use how to fix the sucker. I've done all the ink pad clean out and resetting routines - all to no avail. The orange light keeps steadily to it's seven blink routine. I've had the head off - replaced it after repeating the resets - still the seven orange blinking lights. ANY THOUGHTS AT ALL ON THIS OVERWHELMINGLY SOUGHT AFTER REPAIR SUBJECT?