Fallout New Vegas Screens, Details Released

Tuesday Bethesda Softworks released a new batch of screenshots from the upcoming game Fallout: New Vegas. Developed by Obsidian Entertainment, the upcoming RPG is slated for the PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in November 2010, and will take place three years after the conclusion of Fallout 3.

In addition to the screens, Bethesda released a new fact sheet that gives a bit more insight into the upcoming game. As seen in the screenshot shown below, the Companion Wheel streamlines directing of NPC companions. Obsidian also implemented a Reputation System that tracks the consequences of player actions. There will also be a Hardcore Mode thrown in the mix to keep all the twitch gamers happy.

"Special melee combat moves have been added to bring new meaning to the phrase 'up close and personal,'" the company said. "Use V.A.T.S. to pause time in combat, target specific enemy body parts and queue up attacks, or get right to the action using the finely-tuned real-time combat mechanics."

Bethesda also said that Fallout: New Vegas will double the amount of weapons found in Fallout 3. "In addition, Vault-Tec engineers have devised a new weapons configuration system that lets you tinker with your toys and see the modifications you make in real time," Bethesda added.

Sounds like fun.

  • phoenix777
    can't wait, this is gonna be awesome.
  • builderbobftw
    Woah, Looks great, and it's made by bethsuda, So you know it will be pure win!
  • bogcotton
    Yeh, the game isn't about graphics, so hearing the changes is much better than screens.
    Maybe it can get the 2010 GOTY?
    Or will that be taken by Crysis 2 I wonder?
  • c_schwab
    Fallout 3 was amazing and it sounds like New Vegas will be even better.
  • delbunk
    Looks interesting. I want to see what California is like after fallout 1...
  • scione
    im looking forward to new vegas, but im more excited about about ES 5 :P
  • Regulas
    Fallout 3 was one of my favorite games of all time and this looks to be a nice addition to the franchise.
  • Dirtman73
    I'm glad Bethesda contracted the development of New Vegas to another company. As amazing as Fallout 3 was, it was seriously hindered by Bethesda's annoying design quirks. Hopefully Oblivion is far from the minds of Obsidian's employees as they work on NV.
  • Cons29
    as far as i like fallout the combat system needs to be improved, also the animation like walking.

    customization is a big plus, maybe they'll make fallout 3 on sale soon? :)
  • nforce4max
    On the road again, killing those super mutants again. Having fun on the road again. I can't wait. :)
