Navigate Your Home Theater PC With One Hand

At first glance, the GlideTV Navigator looks like a strange bowl with a touchpad mounted in the center. The device could also be mistaken for some type of funky universal remote that uses an on-screen menu and type pad. The latter may be more appropriate, as the purpose of this device is to make loading and playing multimedia on a home theater PC (HTPC) super simple.

Basically the GliveTV Navigator remote crams the functionality of a keyboard, mouse, and AV remote into one package that fits into the palm of your hand. There's even an integrated search menu loaded with links to online sites such as Hulu, Netflix, YouTube, Amazon's Video n Demand, and more. Yeah, it's a lazy-boy for the PC-media enthusiast.

While the touchpad takes up most of the physical space, there is room left over for a few additional buttons: volume control and playback control, dedicated Escape, Enter, Back, and Function keys, an on-screen keyboard (Windows version only), and more. The device is also compatible with iTunes, Windows Media Center, Hulu Desktop, SageTV, Boxee, the PlayStation 3, and more.

Dvice even wrote a small review, reporting that the device was pleasantly surprising "with its clever functionality." Although it comes highly recommended, consumers will have to shell out $150 for this convenience tool.

  • maigo
    rather have a track ball
  • Rather have an air mouse.
  • 08nwsula
    maigorather have a track ballbarf
  • is it bluetooth cause i saw ps3 support
  • ominous prime
    What am I supposed to do with the other now? Oh right, hint hint wink wink.
  • hillarymakesmecry
    I'd rather have the Dinovo. On-screen keyboard seems pretty lame.
  • zak_mckraken
    ominous primeWhat am I supposed to do with the other now? Oh right, hint hint wink wink.Gross. +1
  • WyomingKnott
    ominous primeWhat am I supposed to do with the other now? Oh right, hint hint wink wink."Beat" me to the punchline on that one. +1
  • ccarrot
    diNovo mini - does all this AND has an actual keyboard, for those of us who actually need to do things on the HTPC besides goof around with iTunes...