20 Mice That Shock And Awe (But Mostly Shock)

The Insect Amber Computer Mouse

Although pricing varies, this bug-infested Insect Amber Computer Mouse features what the manufacturer calls an "absolutely real-bug, 100% natural." The image should speak for itself. The device is illuminated from within, and could very well make any embedded critter look totally cool. Customers can choose from various mice with bugs inside and color options including crabs, spiders, wasps, and more.

As far as gaming goes, you might be disappointed to find that there don't seem to be any real concessions for performance. Nevertheless, having a scorpion a mere inch or less away from the palm of your hand just seems creepy. For those who just can't stand the thought of a corpse staring back up from the desktop, there's an optional seashell that might help combat your performance anxiety. At the end of the day, your interest in this mouse will likely hinge on your appreciation of insects.

The NES Controller Mouse

Nintendo fanboys may really dig this mouse version of the Nintendo Entertainment System controller. The design is sleek and smooth, featuring two gamepad buttons on the top (replacing the standard mouse buttons) and a D-Pad button on the side. "This is a foam model that was modeled in various ways for a project in school," the designer says. "I chose to make a Nintendo Entertainment System mouse for which I took much of the design language from the NES system and gamepad."

There's no indication on how the D-Pad actually works, although it's assumed that it replaces the scroll wheel with a possible X-axis scroll feature. Whether this is a decent mouse for fragging remains to be seen, though, in appearance, it's at least suitable as a conversation starter.

The Hamburger Mouse And USB Warmer

What can be said about this novelty peripheral? It's certainly unique, to say the least, and could pose a problem for those on a strict diet. For $20, the Hamburger Computer Mouse does little else except sit there, look tasty, and perform basic mouse needs. The device has a tracking speed of 500 mm/s, a 250 DPI resolution, and a switch-service life of three million clicks.

For consumers looking for a bit more meat, the $14 Hamburger USB Warmer Mouse Pad looks a little questionable, requiring users to stick their mouse and hand inside the fake burger. The USB portion powers the heating element, while the pad itself looks more like an alien disguised as a meal, waiting to nibble on your digits.

Without the hand-warmer device, you might be able to get away with using the mouse in a casual sense for Solitaire, Hearts, or some other casual gaming. The shape itself seems too round and hard to grip. Besides, you might be the laughing stock of the clan trying to take out a few heads using a fake all-beef patty in a sesame bun (with cheese).

The Mouse Mouse

Want to freak your wife or significant other the heck out? Here's a downright shocking birthday or anniversary gift for her that will almost guaranteed land you in the dog house: a dead mouse turned into a fully functional desktop peripheral. Called the Mouse Mouse, this mod requires an actual dead rodent, knowledge of taxidermy, and a small, travel-sized hardware mouse.

Modders can purchase an expired rodent frozen or fresh at a local pet store (normally sold as reptile food), but those who want to create an optical version will need to purchase a pale-furred mouse for the lightest skin pigment.

Once the mouse has been acquired, the rest of the process consists of eight additional steps including, shaving and dissecting the corpse, shoving the hardware inside, pulling the USB cable thought its butt, and more yummy goodness.

Beyond the overall creep-factor of its preparation, can this zombie mouse handle Crysis? We're going to assume that's a big fat negative. In fact, this mouse might not survive one round of twitch-based gameplay. Yuck.

Bright Side Of Death

As with the Mouse Mouse, this animal-themed peripheral takes modding a bit too far. Although the designer had a steampunk design in mind, the sheep's skull could prove a bit much, even in just a few minutes of use. We're not condemning the creator's artistic expression--the design does have quite a few interesting aspects from an artist's point of view, especially in the way the eyes and teeth are made.

However, from a gamer's perspective, this mouse appears to be far from useful. It's assumed that the upper-left and -right sections of the skull serve as buttons, and the circular saw in the middle serves both as a mouse wheel and possible means of ripping the tips of your finger. This mouse looks about as practical as spiked choker (and probably appeals to the same crowd).

LEGO Brick Mouse

While the concept is rather cool, the practicality here is practically zilch. Let's face it, the rigid, square edges and protruding brick nubs will make this LEGO-themed mouse somewhat painful to control. This is likely especially true during the heat of the action, when your first reflex is to grip that mouse hard.

Believe it or not, this optical mouse retails for $26.60 and is compatible with the PC and Mac. Its overall size is 3.7" x 1.2" x 2.1" and features the standard left and right buttons, a scroll wheel, and an 800 DPI resolution. Even on an everyday basis, the LEGO mouse may be somewhat painful to use. If anything, it's a cool device to show fellow gadget collectors.


Now here's a mouse that looks to be ideal for first-person shooters: a gun mounted on an optical mouse. For what more could you ask? Just grip the Sig Sauer P230 replica and frag to your heart's content. This device was built for 3D gaming, offering a forward-position optical sensor that allows for wrist movement (versus full-hand movement). It also has optimized control placement by sticking four controls under the fingers at all times for optimal twitch gaming.

Unfortunately, this device is no longer manufactured by Solware, but gamers can purchase the more advanced MonsterGecko Pistol Mouse from Amazon for $100. hitting the market back in 2007, the MonsterGecko requires no driver, has a forward-position optical sensor, and an 800 DPI optical resolution. For those not in the mood to shoot at friends on Facebook, the base serves as a less-violent means of getting around the Internet.

For more experienced players, this mouse might actually be fun to use, but it may not be ideal for new gamers getting into first-person shooters.

The Chocolate Bar

Chocolate lovers will probably get more out of this candy bar mouse than gamers. Much like the LEGO mouse, this peripheral simply seems annoying to grip onto, and it would seem to be designed as a conversation piece. Oh sure, the chocolate mouse has its usefulness: two mouse buttons and an M&M-style wheel planted between two chocolate squares pretty much covers the basics.

Although the device isn't in stock, the Choco Mouse retails for around $30 and measures 9.5 x 5.5 x 2.0 cm. A wireless version is also located here, offering a creamy center sandwiched between two chocolate layers. Both devices are compatible with Windows XP, Vista, and Mac operating systems. Thanks to its thicker design, users might have better luck gripping the latter device over the thinner model.

While we can't claim this one is any good for gaming, it might be a way of expressing appreciation for your better half's love of the brown stuff.

Pat-Says-Now Body Mouse

Over on Amazon.com, we discovered an interesting mouse that may be better suited for a different sort of gaming. This body-shaped optical mouse from Pat-Says-Now doesn't really have a name. However, we're making an assumption, given where the two buttons are located.

Fit for both USB and the ancient PS/2 port (yeah, they're still out there), the body mouse has an optical resolution of 800 DPI and is compatible with Windows 95 to Vista, Mac OS X, and Linux.

As far as gaming is concerned, this mouse might work. Then again, its contorted shape may prove troublesome. Still, with only two "buttons" to click, gamers are limited. Avoid this mouse, unless you're really lonely.

The Grenade

Here's a mouse modification that uses a bottle in the shape of a grenade as the outer hull. Discovered on a Russian modding forum, the details surrounding this unique design weren't provided. However, it seems that the left and right mouse buttons are wired up to the trigger. The mouse has a resolution of 800 DPI and very well could be wireless.

"Inventor Spaniard once sat in front of a computer and fiddled with a bottle in the form of grenades," reads the translated forum post. "And here he was visited by inspiration: why not make the mouse in the form of half grenades? He armed himself with paint, scissors, and conceived it was done." (Ed.: worst translation ever?)

As many users pointed out, the overall design isn't ergonomically friendly. It clearly isn't meant for PC gaming, but it does look cool. There's also no indication of what would happen if you were to pull the pin.

The Bug: Steampunk Computer Mouse

This mouse just leaves us speechless. Obviously The Bug (steampunk computer mouse) is not the ideal device for gaming. At least, its appearance leads us to believe that frequent play might cause sore palms and fingers. Nevertheless, it's extremely fascinating on a design level. A mix-match of various gears, solid brass knobs, and keys come together to create something unique.

"The circuit board (and presumably the human eye) are hidden under this brass-plated-steel corner piece from a steamer trunk," the modder writes. "A random cog fills in the gap in back and allows some of the mouse’s LED lights to glow through." The modder adds that the PCB is uniformly painted a gun metal gray to make the visible parts blend into the overall steampunk theme.

To make the left and right buttons, the modder used two hinge pieces from a toilet seat mounting kit. The scroll wheel is made from an alarm clock's escapement wheel and a small brass knob. Ultimately, the device weighs around 10 to 15 oz., which makes the device pleasantly heavier than the typical plastic mouse.

  • Haha wow. So much creativity but a big FAIL regardless.
  • eklipz330
    how come no one on this site ever says first? is this the only forum on the internet without any douschebags ?
  • ta152h
    That dead mouse is repulsive beyond belief. Killing something for that purpose is just wrong. Although, somehow feeding one to a snake seems OK. I might need therapy.

    The ugly hand would be kind of cool. I'd love to put one in my guest room, and have an unsuspecting guest come across that thing.

    Or get that metal one and stick it with an antique computer and tell kids that it was the standard mouse in "the bad old days" (not to mention we had to walk 18 miles to school and got donkey-kicked if we were late, etc...).
  • anamaniac
    eklipz330how come no one on this site ever says first? is this the only forum on the internet without any douschebags ?I've stopped myself a few times... Keep it at least semi professional (excluding the flame wars). Can't say for the ads though, I always use FF with AdBlock+.

    I think I'd bring the Minnie Mouse mouse to a LAN, just for the lulz.
    I'd also carry my full size black steel tower with backpack straps, turn it on, and show how loud enthusiast-class air cooling can be.

    I loved the first one (I'd put a nasty scorpion in it), and the grenade one. Be cool if the grenade mouse was two parts, one is a bluetooth receiver, and the other is the mouse, with the pin being set to a customizable command (such as, encrypt or destroy as many files as fast as possible because the FBI just knocked my door down).

    Lots of fail though.
  • sire_angelus
    number 19 looks like a dildo.. a lot where cute, though
  • stridervm
    A friend of mine has one of those Gun mouse(s). The extra weight kind of helps for the people that think that mouse are too light, the additional weight also helps avoid accidental mouse movement by just finger movement, but beyond that, it's just a novelty item.
  • abbadon_34
    wish they would sell the mouse mosue outright, i'm not quite ready to learn do-it-yourself taxidermy.
  • shubham1401
    The first one is really cool!
  • rtfm
    Killing a mouse just for a novelty item is wrong.
  • eklipz330 might want to learn to spell douchebag before he worries about why kids aren't replying with "first"...