The Raid Migration Adventure

Migration Test Results

... To AMD/ATI SB600

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Source PlatformTarget ControllerSuccessful Migration Possible?Port Change Possible?Plug & PlayMigrate with Windows Repair InstallationRollback if Failed
Nvidia nForce3 MCPATI SB600No---yes
Intel ICH6RATI SB600No---yes
Promise FastTrak 378ATI SB600Yesyes-yes-
VIA VT8237ATI SB600No---yes

We first tried to migrate four different source RAID arrays to ATI’s/AMD’s SB600 Southbridge, which only worked in a single case: the source system had to be the Promise FastTrak 20378. Interestingly, the RAID Firmware of the AMD/ATI chipset and the Promise controller looks very much the same, which led us to assume that the controller logic might also be the same. It was also possible to confuse the SATA ports 0 and 1 - the RAID would still work both on the source and the target system. Converting from Intel’s ICH6R, the Nvidia nForce 3 or VIA VT8237 to AMD’s/ATI’s SB600 was not possible, as the ATI/AMD controller always recognized a broken RAID 1+0, which obviously wasn’t there.

... To Intel ICH9R (82801IR)

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Source PlatformTarget ControllerSuccessful Migration Possible?Port Change Possible?Plug & PlayMigrate with Windows Repair InstallationRollback if Failed
Intel ICH5RIntel ICH9Ryesyes-yes-
Promise FastTrak 378Intel ICH9Rnoyes-Windows boot disc doesn’t start while array is connectedyes
Nvidia nForce3Intel ICH9Rno---yes
VIA VT8237Intel ICH9Rnoyes--yes
Intel ICH6RIntel ICH9Ryesyes-yes-
Intel ICH7RIntel ICH9Ryesyes-yes-
Intel ICH8RIntel ICH9Ryesyesyes--

We switched our target test system to Asus’ P5K3 Deluxe and the P35 chipset with ICH9R, and we added some more Intel chipset source systems to see how compatible various Intel chipset/storage controller generations are. It was always possible to migrate from an older Intel chipset to a newer one, but we had to run the Windows XP repair installation, which then allowed us to reinstall the updated storage driver. We could also swap the SATA ports during the process, which made the whole process really painless. Converting from ICH8 to ICH9 didn’t even require any user intervention, as the mass storage controllers seem to operate identically.

Migrating an installation from an Nvidia nForce3 MCP or VIA’s VT8237 to Intel ICH9R did not work. The nForce3 drives were logged in as non-RAID drives, while in the case of the VIA installation, Intel’s controller only found unused RAID drives.

  • gothamite
    Great article, but does anyone know if an ICH7R -> ICH10R migration is possible? I am replacing an ASUS P5WDH Deluxe which died with a new board containing the ICH10R chipset and hope that I can just plug my old drives into the new board without losing the data. I accept I might need to use the XP repair thingy.
  • Passarinhuu
    My old ICH6R motherboard stopped working and I got a new ICH9R Asus P5K Pro to replace it. When I plugged the old disks I tried to boot winxp and I got to the loading screen but then got a BSOD.
    I was already expecting that and tryed to run a repair install. The problem is, even when i correctly load my RAID drivers provided by the mb maker, winxp install doesn't detect the disks. If I set the SATA mode to AHCI in the BIOS winxp can detect them but the repair doesn't allow me to boot windows.

    What am I doing wrong and how can i fix it?
  • gothamite
    OK - I got my Asus P5Q Deluxe with Intel ICH10R and successfully migrated my 4 drive RAID set from the P5W-DH Deluxe's ICH9R. The only thing is one of the drives shows as off-line (i.e. not part of the RAID set).
  • Just a note on your Intel chipset migration... I've moved systems from ICH8R to ICH9R (and 10R) controllers without needing to run a Windows Repair installation. All you need to do is ensure that you're running the most up to date chipset drivers BEFORE the migration.

    Windows will start up, install the new chipset drivers, and tell you it needs to reboot to complete the driver installation. Reboot again, and you're ready to go.

    I've done this with RAID0 and RAID1 arrays, moving from ASUS P5B Deluxe (ICH8R) boards to all of the following: ASUS Maximus Formula (ICH9R), P5K Premium (ICH9R), and P5Q Pro (ICH10R).
  • Bodhammer
    Great Article!

    So, I want to go from an 875P Chipset in RAID 1 to a X58 Chipset sticking with XP for now.

    Can it be done?

  • Bodhammer
    Great Article -

    Can I go from a 875P to an X58 motherboard?
  • momatik
    Great stuff !

    I put 2 drives from a nforce3 250 and conected them to a nforce4.
    Used a XP-CD with the enforce4 drives embedded.
    But i only see 1 partition !?
    What am i doing wrong ?
    Tryed several stripe sizes.

    Thanks for help :)
  • ddd_81
    Is it duable to migrate RAID 0 from Intel to AMD without dataloss:
    ICH8R -> SB710
  • ddd_81
    Is it duable to migrate RAID 0 from Intel to AMD without dataloss:
    ICH8R -> SB710