Report: HP, Intel in Talks to Ease Atom Restrictions

HP is reportedly in talks with Intel regarding the restrictions in place on the Atom processor.

The Atom is used in most netbooks on the market, however it is only available for use in netbooks with up to 10.2-inch displays. According to Digitimes, HP is said to be in negotiations with Intel reportedly in hopes to use Intel’s Atom in new mini-note PC models with larger panels.

The news comes at the same time as rumors about an Atom competitor from VIA. The VIA C7-M processor is currently used in HP’s 2133 Mini-Note, which was launched before the copious amounts of Atom netbooks hit shelves.

Digitimes cites sources who say that, in light of competition from netbooks by Asus and Acer, HP's '09 roadmap shows the company hopes to add both 11.6-inch model and a 13.3-inch model to its netbook line. The 11.6-inch is expected in the second quarter of 2009 and the 13.3-inch in June 2009.

We’re all in favor of HP basing its next line of mini-notes on the Atom, but is a 13.3-inch really a netbook? We don’t think Intel will go the for it. However, while we think only the 11.6-inch has a shot, Digitimes sources think HP is likely to obtain consent from Intel. Watch this space for more. Intel is expected to make a decision at the end of January.

Read the full story on Digitimes.

  • Master Exon
    I think that extra 1.5 inches really makes the difference. I want a 12" notebook/netbook/minibook.
  • zodiacfml
    i think intel will be conservative on this unless all manufacturers intend to that 11.6inch screen size netbook on an atom.

  • tpi2007
    To me 13.3" is compact notebook territory, but 11.6" is defintely a must for netbooks. If you look at the MSI Wind/LG X110 or the Asus Eee 1000H you can see that the larger panel is absolutely right for the size of the computer. It complements the best form factor to accomodate a good keyboard and a screen with a size to match! I'm all in for an 11.6"! Besides, that would allow for for a 1280x768 resolution. I personaly would still use the 1024x600 because of the larger letter that strain the eyes less, but the 1280x768 possibility is a must for many people.
  • Uh, how do you explain the Dell Mini 12???
  • How do you explain the Dell Mini 12???
  • Shadow703793
    As long as Intel is using the power hungry chipsets there is going to be problems for Atom. Hope Ion makes a difference.
  • WheelsOfConfusion
    Is there a problem in calling an Atom-based product a "laptop?"
  • The real question is this: Why would a CPU manufacturer put a condition in their contract that says a company can't use their cpus if the screen is larger than a certain size? That would be like Microsoft putting out an mp3 player but saying you have to buy the music otherwise it will delete it after three plays. That would be ridiculous!
  • timothyd
    Intel defined the netbook and nettop categories with certain limitations so as not to cannibalize sales of their more expensive CPUs. If you want to build a something larger than a certain size then you have to use a more expensive Celeron or Pentium Dual Core. Microsoft has done the same thing with their extension of the Windows XP Home EOL (end-of-life) in placing limitations on the specs of these categories of computer.
  • timothyd
    timothydIntel defined the netbook and nettop categories with certain limitations so as not to cannibalize sales of their more expensive CPUs. If you want to build something larger than a certain size then you have to use a more expensive Celeron or Pentium Dual Core. Microsoft has done the same thing with their extension of the Windows XP Home EOL (end-of-life) in placing limitations on the specs of these categories of computer.