Windows 8 Will (Finally) Include Support for UK English

Microsoft has been talking a lot about Windows 8 recently, and this week is no different. The company yesterday laid out the details for language support with the newest iteration of Windows and there's definitely some improvements.

Redmond has said it's going to be ditching the "local-market feature" approach that it's been taking with Windows up until this point. Instead, with Windows 8, anyone will be able to install any language they like via a new languages preferences section that enables you to find and download all display languages.

Microsoft's Ian Hamilton said in a blog post yesterday the Windows 8 will have a total of 13 new language interface packs (LIPs) that will allow users access to commonly used Windows features in Scottish Gaelic, Punjabi, Uyghur, Cherokee, and many more languages. What's more, for the first time ever, there will also be an option for UK English.

"We admit that this is something we should have done a long time ago," Hamilton wrote on the Windows blog. "Windows users in the UK have gotten by with the US English version of Windows, and while we Americans knew this was not their favourite, that is clearly no defence."

Users will also be able to switch easily between more than one language. Hamilton gave the example of users in the U.S. switching between English and Spanish and said that though computers in the U.S. had shipped with both languages before, the user had to pick their preference at the beginning and stick with it. According to user feedback, the desire to not only hold onto both language preferences but also the switch between the two was strong. All told, Windows 8 will offer 109 display languages. In case you were wondering, Windows 7 supported 95.

Follow @JaneMcEntegart on Twitter for the latest news.                        

  • billybobser
    Hopefully I can also print a basic calender starting on sunday using publisher, without having to convert my system to completely US.

    Seems odd really, as they offer other language variants but neglected the easiest one of all, English.

    A welcome improvement to take care of the small annoyances associated with not having it.
  • randomizer
    Keep in mind that this isn't a complete translation. The key phrase is "commonly used Windows features." Anything that doesn't fall into that category will still be in US English (or whatever the "parent" language is for that LIP).
  • Evil_Geddy_Lee
  • luc2k
  • teodoreh
    My Amiga supported infinite number of languages - even Klingon with localize. But hey, that was back in 1992!
  • godnodog
    Well I am surprised, I never noticed this, because there are, for example 2 Portuguese language options), the standard european version and the brazillian version for a long time now, and the standard portuguese version has by far a smaller potential market than the brazillian market, yet we´ve beeng given this choise since, if i´m not mistaken, Windows 95.
    How I understand the english being annoyed for having to use the Us version, how I understand.....
  • -Fran-
    Was about bloody time, mate!

  • back_by_demand
    At last, now we don't have to use a bastardised version of the language where words like "Colour" are missing letters through no other reason than what seems like pure laziness.
  • coreym72
    Dear Helpdesk,
    Look Mate... The Telly went on the blink.
    sent via mY Phone

    RE: Dear Helpdesk,
    Sorry Ol' Chap but that is a Blue Screen of Death.
  • Ireland English was always available which is virtually the same as UK English, could they not just rename it to Ireland/UK English