Nanovision 7-inch Mimo Monitors Make Multitasking Fun

Need more Windows desktop space? Do you run a multi-monitor configuration and only use the second monitor for applications that don’t need much room, like IRC clients or IM clients? A Korean company by the name Nanovision has a small, effective, and very cool solution.

The new MIMO 7-inch LCD displays aim to function as a secondary monitor. Each wide-screen display has a resolution of 800 x 480 pixels and can be rotated between landscape and portrait modes. Connection is made to your PC via a USB 2.0 port (no VGA/DVI connector needed) – which saves you the hassle of purchasing another video card, you can also hook up a bunch of these things if you want.

Two models have been announced. The UM-710 model is the entry level version and should retail for $78, the UM-750 model comes with touch screen capability, integrated webcam and DMB TV Tuner and should retail for $147. They are currently available in Korea (will probably show up on eBay shortly), but there is no confirmation as to when they will be in other the retail market.

We should expect these 7-inch displays to be quite common among the enthusiasts and gamers alike, and having a couple of these will definitely add a bit of cool-factor to your rig — Imagine having your chats on one screen, mini-maps or other gaming tools in another. These mini displays could also be perfect for the hardcore hardware enthusiast, with custom system monitoring software that supports touch-screens to control fan speed, voltage, and other overclocking settings. I.T Pro’s may find these useful as well for small monitoring apps, snap-ins, among other things.

Check out the images below.

  • pcolby
    Brilliant!! I want one... no, make that three or four! I have several projects on the burners that could make great use of a screen like this! :)

    Time to add a saved-search to eBay I guess ;)
  • Hatecrime69
    pretty cool, and it's priced to sell, should reduce alt-tabbing at least
  • ravenware
    Wouldn't use it for remote clients, but chat, home email, or hardware monitors.
  • Shadow703793
    pcolbyBrilliant!! I want one... no, make that three or four! I have several projects on the burners that could make great use of a screen like this! Time to add a saved-search to eBay I guess +1. Would be cool to mount it on side panel of Antec 1200 and display all the CPUZ,RealTemp,etc.
  • trogrey121
    FINALLY! I have been wanting a secondary screen to chat with or have the music library on.
  • runswindows95
    If they're cheap enough, I would get a few. Be great to put non essential programs (media players, IM's, downloads, etc) on it while I work in my main screen. The fact they rotate as well would be great for running Terminal/CMD on it as well.
  • I was looking for a cheap screen for my in-car computer.
  • piratepast40
    shadycuzI was looking for a cheap screen for my in-car computer.
    Nice call on an application we don't normally think of. Might be a fantastic component in a home security system. The touchpad model is far far below the cost of POS type application components. Combine this monitor/touchpad with your wireless system via USB and the low cost application possibilities start to grow. I like it!!!
  • The resolution is slightly too small to do anything serious on it.
    I wonder when these things will become available via OLED technology!

    Maybe this will be great for extension monitor for mini-notebooks if they support dual display.
    Touchscreen seems nice for paint, or maybe even gaming(imagine playing a 3D shoot em up through a touchscreen).

    It would have been better to have a 1024x800 resolution. That way it'll fit with the vertical resolution of most older laptop and desktop screens.
  • hemelskonijn
    On first thought a great innovative product and i cant wait till there will be software for world of warcraft to drop minimaps and status info and maybe even bags on the nice looking screen.

    And then it hit me ... a second hand 15" eizo LCD or plasma screen costs half as much and most grfx cards already have dual head support so all i need i some software :S

    Still its a nice gizmo and even though its not that expansive its still a waste of money like all gizmo's should be.