Alienware's Graphics Array Adds to Gaming Wallop with a Double Graphics Card Punch


Alienware let us take all the pictures and video we wanted. Nothing was off-limits. You don't see that too often. In the following downloadable video, you will see us get up close to the Graphics Array and the X2 board. We recorded one system that was running 3dMark2003, and another system running Quake 3 Arena. - Divx format , 1 Minute 47 Seconds, 6.3 MB


Alienware is aiming for a Q3/Q4 2004 release of its ALX systems with the Graphics Array/X2 technology. We expect them to have no problems meeting that deadline, because of the working demo that we saw. This is not vaporware, because Alienware actually had the hardware and the software up and running (although in alpha state).

For people that are willing to spend the money, the ALX systems will be an interesting choice. With graphics cards, we have stagnated into a more memory, higher clock speed war between ATi and Nvidia. Alienware does something different, and hopes that its dual card solution will be the answer for people who want the best possible computer.