Remote PC Management with Intel's vPro

VPro For Enterprises: With SCS

vPro knows two provision modes, one for small businesses and the other one for enterprise environments, offering authentication via keys and encryption. The enterprise provisioning model requires a SCS (Setup and Configuration Server), to take care of encryption and authentication.

IAMT Commander

The AMT Commander is a management tool for the AMT features, but Intel provides it only to developers. Typically, vPro environments will run based on third-party software.

The AMT Commander is one of two vPro management utilities. While it was designed for development purposes and likely won't be used in real system deployments, third-party software will be used instead. However, the feature set should at least be comparable. The Commander has to be connected to vPro client PCs. It mainly helps to discover vPro PCs, to inventory their components and to make basic AMT settings.

Network Discovery

The AMT Commander allows the user to discover vPro/AMT-enabled computers by specifying an IP address range.

After searching for vPro systems within a specifiable network range you can start to work with your clients. It is important that each client PC has an assigned AMT host name, or Intel's management software won't connect. Here you can enable or disable various AMT features such as SOL (Serial-over-LAN) or IDE Redirect (to boot over LAN).

The AMT Commander connects to any vPro PC that is properly configured and reachable within the network.

  • Does anybody provision it through SCCM R2 successfully .I did not get right AMT Software ..I really appreciate for the post