Crysis 2 Goes Direct X 11: The Ultra Upgrade, Benchmarked

DirectX 9: Ultra Detail Benchmarks

We're jacking up the settings to Ultra detail, but retaining the use of DirectX 9. This gives us a baseline to compare with the DirectX 11 results.

The new detail settings brutalize our test hardware, with the Radeon HD 6850 and GeForce GTX 460 1 GB unable to achieve a minimum 30 FPS at resolutions higher than 1280x1024. At 1680x1050 the GeForce GTX 460 does manage to kiss the ideal minimum, but the mighty Radeon HD 6970 barely makes the grade, offering 33 FPS.

Push the resolution to 1920x1080 and AMD’s top-end single GPU card misses 30 FPS by one frame per second. The GeForce GTX 570 and dual-card configurations step in and facilitate more ideal performance.

  • >.> the graphics card I bought a month ago is officialy outdated imo.
  • dragonsqrrl
    Awesome, I've been waiting for Tom's to bench the DX11 patch. Thanks for the benchmarks.
  • dragonsqrrl
    bear95>.> the graphics card I bought a month ago is officialy outdated imo.What graphics card did you buy a month ago?
  • jjb8675309
    sweet it looks like if you do not have 580 sli you can toss this game out, outrageous requirements to max out imo
  • bebangs
    Is your monster rig is bored? Can't find any other games to play with your rig? Get this patch.

  • coldtortilla
    wow now I am really ashamed of buying a core i3 for my budget gaming pc, hopefully it won't be that bad considering that the game favors intel architecture.
  • Always when you overclock a amd system, the CPU_NB (northbridge ) is so or more important then clock itself. Just raise the multiplier and no cpu_NB over makes no sense at all!!! The performance boost its significative!!
  • And the game play still is average or below. When people say they want gameplay over graphics and then push Crysis 2 you know that is not the truth.
  • Scoregie
    God i'm happy i upgraded my GPU thank god... to bad i have a AMD 1055T god DAM IT outdated again o well just an excuses to spend $1500 on a new PC thanks Crytek :D