Crysis 2 Goes Direct X 11: The Ultra Upgrade, Benchmarked

CPU Benchmarks

In our Crysis 2 Demo performance preview, the game servers were turned off before we were able to test CPU scaling. Let’s see how the full game reacts to different processor frequencies: 

Performance scales slightly with every 500 MHz increase on the Phenom II X4, but the Core i5-2500K demonstrates more of a jump than can be explained by a higher clock rate. The game favors Intel's Sandy Bridge architecture, clearly, though even a theoretical 2.0 GHz Phenom II X4 CPU provides enough horsepower to reach a 30 FPS minimum.

With that in mind, the Phenom clearly bottlenecks our GeForce GTX 570, which is something you don't want to see after spending good money on a fast graphics card.

Now let’s see how the game reacts to fewer execution cores:

There’s a dramatic and linear drop from four to two cores. You probably wouldn’t want to be playing Crysis on anything less than a triple-core CPU at 3.5 GHz, and for the best performance a quad-core part is definitely recommended.

  • >.> the graphics card I bought a month ago is officialy outdated imo.
  • dragonsqrrl
    Awesome, I've been waiting for Tom's to bench the DX11 patch. Thanks for the benchmarks.
  • dragonsqrrl
    bear95>.> the graphics card I bought a month ago is officialy outdated imo.What graphics card did you buy a month ago?
  • jjb8675309
    sweet it looks like if you do not have 580 sli you can toss this game out, outrageous requirements to max out imo
  • bebangs
    Is your monster rig is bored? Can't find any other games to play with your rig? Get this patch.

  • coldtortilla
    wow now I am really ashamed of buying a core i3 for my budget gaming pc, hopefully it won't be that bad considering that the game favors intel architecture.
  • Always when you overclock a amd system, the CPU_NB (northbridge ) is so or more important then clock itself. Just raise the multiplier and no cpu_NB over makes no sense at all!!! The performance boost its significative!!
  • And the game play still is average or below. When people say they want gameplay over graphics and then push Crysis 2 you know that is not the truth.
  • Scoregie
    God i'm happy i upgraded my GPU thank god... to bad i have a AMD 1055T god DAM IT outdated again o well just an excuses to spend $1500 on a new PC thanks Crytek :D