Nvidia's GeForce 9600 GT Tested

Call of Duty 4

Call of Duty 4 really showed up the major strong point of the 9600 GT, especially compared to its direct competitors - its performance with antialiasing enabled. Although at 1280x1024 and 1680x1050 it finished second-last, still beaten by a "modest" HD 3850 512 MB - which is not really so abnormal when you look at its price, as we'll see later - with the filters on, its 512 MB memory showed what it's there to do. Not only did it overtake the Radeon HD 3850 and 3870, which are especially poor with this filter, but - much more remarkably - also gained on the 8800 GT! It moved from 18% behind to only 10% with antialiasing, despite its lower power, which usually further penalizes these cards. This is a really remarkable and unusual phenomenon.

  • tijmen007
    Nice Review, was really helpfull chosing between the HD4670 and 9600GT. Cause the HD4670 is a bit slower as the HD3850 due its memory bus of 128-bit.

  • Unicorns_FTW
    Wow, it is amazing how much AA & AF deplete your FPS on games such as Crysis and COD 4. I have a Palit 9600GT along with a E8400, and it more or less matches these benchies. Great review once again.
  • silicondoc
    Thanks for the review - helps in putting together medium range systems. Card prices have gone up now ( Feb 2009 ) after they went down during and about "black Friday" time.
    I see the lowest priced 9600GT at $90, %65 after rebate, with free Far Cry 2.
    Not bad at all.
  • ceponatia
    9600GT is a POS. It has wonderful performance, as the review stated, until it crashes to a black screen. I have had two different cards and they both do the same thing. Buy a Radeon.
  • Great, looks like I need to spend more money on a better graphics card. Thanks for testing.
  • i think gefore 8800 GT is Good!