Get a Key to All Points Bulletin Beta is currently holding an awesome promo that provides beta keys to registered users. Whether you're new to the Curse scene or an existing user, a key will be available on a first-come-first-serve basis (assuming that there's not an infinite number of keys). Once the key is obtained, it is stored in the profile for later use.

This week's beta is EA's upcoming PC game, All Points Bulletin (APB), a fast-paced third-person action game in a persistent online multiplayer world. The game features two sides, the Enforcers and the Criminals, and takes place in a modern-day fictional city called San Paro. APB uses Epic's Unreal Engine 3, and was designed by David Jones, creator of the original Grand Theft Auto. The game is also slated to be the first MMOG where the player's skill determines the player's progression.

Beta keys offered by are for both the North American and European versions. Participants will need to head over to the official APB website to download the correct beta installer: keys starting with NA are for North American gamers, and the EU keys for European gamers. The installer itself weighs at a meager 69.1 MB, however the beta requires a larger 8.6 GB of HHD space.

Here are a few key features:

  • Earn money, clothing, weapons, and cars as you play.
  • Customize your character to achieve a unique look.
  • Master the radically different styles of gameplay; Criminal and Enforcer.
  • Gain real-life celebrity through in-game displays of your characters and designs.
  • Become known as San Paro’s premier car thief, clothing designer, "death theme" musician, or assassin.

North Amercan Sign-up Page

European Sign-up Page

[Edited by Eric Wang]

  • ashkaji
    So its like GTA but online multiplayer? Sounds Awesome! :]
  • bebangs
    Sounds a lot like enhanced counterstrike and gunz online combine.

    I went to APB website, it says beta keys for 5hrs worth of playtime to a city for registered users. need more info.
  • well it's not that good game, cause I've been testing it for 3 months
  • stromm
    I got my key last week. It took THREE DAYS to download the 7.38GB client (so much for my 16Mb RoadRunner). Best speed on their server was 56KB/sec. I get 1100KB/sec from MSDN servers.

    I HAD such high hopes for this game. Sadly, it's horrible. The graphics are OK, the controls suck, driving is just as bad as in GTA4, the interface is very hard to use and not intuitive. Due to all the startup adverts, it takes about 3 minutes just to get to the login screen, then another 2 to get into the world. No active map and when you have the map open, you lose all control of your character/car (Don't read and drive!).

    If you are expecting a Crackdown MMO, this is not it. It is so much like GTA4, it should be called GTA5: Cops & Robbers.

    The only good thing I have to say about it is that the trial is free.

    Hopefully, Crackdown 2 isn't screwed up.
  • decepticon
    Can't tell if this is a beta, demo or the Key to the City demo, which is only 5 hours worth of game time. Never the less...downloading now @ 1.5mb/s
  • Geibys
    For all who want to know, its an open beta, kinda, the game is almost ready to go they are just working out the kinks.

    And for the actual game, if you have no problem downloading 7.07gigs for the game, you might as well try it out. Me and some friends have started playing this and it is very addictive.

    If you've seen trailers and gameplay videos trust me, they do not lie.

    I deffinetly recommend anyone to try this out.
  • nukemaster
    Awsome. a 70meg download that downloads an extra 8.6 gigs. Why can every other MMO get away with like a 1-5meg patcher.

    Either way, if its the 5 HOUR keys to the city, no thinks. Hell even when you get the game you can play in the "Action Zone" for 50 hours then pay $7 for every 20 hours extra or $10 a month. This would be on the cheap end of MMO's, but for a multilayer GTA, I think i will have to pass.

    EDIT....who am I kidding...FREE DEMO....sure why not....will post how I find it later.
  • soo-nah-mee
    Thanks Tom's! Got my key.
    FYI: The site says 90% of the available keys are still left.
  • Wow talk about late news. I've had access to the beta since last Friday when it was announced.
  • soo-nah-mee
    BTW: It does say "Demo Key", NOT "Beta Key". This is a key for the 5 hour demo, not a beta key.
    FYI: Five minutes later and the site says 88% of the available keys are left.