Google Introduces Play for Education at Google I/O

Google's keynote conference at Google I/O was extremely long. Though the company usual hosts several keynotes, this year, the web giant seemed keen to cram everything into one address. As such, there was no shortage of announcements from Google this afternoon. Among them was the introduction of Google Play for Education.


Play for Education is a new program for educators that will allow them to manage tablets as well as discover, purchase and distribute content to students. Google hopes it will serve as a destination for educational content within Google Play and the program offers bulk purchases and instant distribution that will allow teachers to instantly deliver and manage the apps being used in their classrooms.

Apps aside, Google is hoping Play for Education will also help teachers more easily distribute electronics in their classrooms. The company boasts that they can now set up and deploy large numbers of devices in just minutes or hours as opposed to days. Developers are invited to create apps for grades K-12 right away while schools eager to know more about the program can sign up here.

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  • I think education needs to get involved more in using tech. But the issue is can education afford to keep up with the ever changing direction of tech? Will it create a divide between district that can afford it, and those that cannot? Do you read anything about keeping things equal? No. My wife a teacher in public schools knows all too well how incomplete tech is in many schools. But many districts can barely buy books ( her district actually does not have some books for every student). So it remands to be seen if costs will somehow kill the tech advancements in many schools.
  • scythe944
    there's already plenty of schools buying iJunk for their student's or allowing the parents to purchase them for their kids for use at their schools. If they can afford those, then they can afford $199 Nexus 7's and worst case scenario replace them every year or two and still have them be much less than iPads.
    For the price, one ipad equates to what, 3 N7's?
  • vigorvermin
    You're assuming that schools pay the same price as we do, I'm sure they don't
  • Fulgurant
    10817092 said:
    You're assuming that schools pay the same price as we do, I'm sure they don't

    Hell, there were times (in the 80s and 90s) when it seemed like the Education industry (both public and private) single-handedly kept Apple in business.
  • Maya Wins
    10816085 said:
    Google's app store is headed for the classroom.

    Google Introduces Play for Education at Google I/O : Read more

    I think schools and teachers are starting to realize the power of "play" in learning. While playing outside and making friends is such a big deal in helping a child pick up social skills, nowadays, everything is online. This is not always a bad thing though. I suppose there are pros and cons to every debate but how about if we get to choose the video game or mobile app that the child gets to play on? I know the reputation for dull educational games is high but my son uses my phone to play a few of these mobile apps ( He especially loves the Madagascar ones because it's a movie he loved. Do you think this sort of learning should be included in the curriculum?
