Diablo III Reaper of Souls Fan Art Contest for Blizzard Visit

Last week Blizzard announced that it has teamed up with deviantART for a Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls fan art contest. The first place prize will be a two-night trip to Blizzard's camp in Irvine, California to meet the artists and developers of Diablo III. The first place winner will also receive $5,000 USD, a one-year Premium Membership to deviantART.com and more.

"Your challenge, brave heroes, is to channel your arcane power and create an illustration depicting one or more central figures of the expansion getting ready for the coming conflict against the Angel of Death," reads Blizzard's blog. "These figures may include the six heroes of Sanctuary or even Malthael himself."

The top 25 winners will have their art displayed at Blizzard's headquarters in Irvine, California, with the top three winners hand-selected by Christian Lichtner, the art director of Diablo III.

The second place winner will receive $3,000 USD, a signed boxed copy of Reaper of Souls, 4,000 deviantART points, a 6-month deviantART.com membership, and a framed print of the winning work signed by the team. The third place winner will win the same save for the amount of awarded cash, which will be $1,000.

"Your submitted entry is to be an original artwork inspired by Diablo III in the form of a portrait or an illustration showing a central figure from one of the six classes of Heroes of Sanctuary or of Malthael preparing for the coming conflict," reads the rules.

Cosplay, photographs and moving images are not allowed. Images must be at least 2,000 pixels in its shortest length and be either a single JPG or single PNG file. Contestants must also have a membership to the deviantART.com website (free).

The contest deadlines show that art submissions will close at 11:59:59 pm on March 13, 2014. The 25 contest semi-finalists will be announced on March 18, 2014, and then the top 3 contest winners on April 2, 2014.

Diablo III: Reaper of Souls launches on March 25, 2014. To enter the contest, head here.

  • 25gtt
    Woah Woah Woah.... Diablo 3 still has fans willing to draw them a picture? I might have to enter, i might be the only one that does it. Im not a fan anymore but happy to take a trip from Australia to California!
  • ferooxidan
    This is it! Might as well enter this competition and win, then get the chance to meet the developers of Diablo 3 and smack them in their head while scolding them "Why did you guys make a masterpiece of a game into a garbage?!!!". There's no better way to tell them than this.
  • Achaios-1328513
    I really don't care. Knowing Blizzard, their game will probably be about Kung Fu Pandas, Po0em0n, Narutomon and assorted Japanese Mangas. At best, they might get creative and introduce Koalas or something to the equation, devising an incredibly stupid story about how Koalas were a part of the lore from the very beginning. Blizzard games are intended only for 10 year olds and fanbois. I want to play smt aimed to adults and not 10 year olds.
  • SoiledBottom
    "meet Blizzard's Diablo III team"....3 years later then the date stated and be prepared for a let down.
  • ubercake
    I didn't realize people still played this?
  • fyend
    Diablo 3 - Reaper of Wallets (They hope)
  • masteroftheuniverse
    Does a betrayed fan crying and stomping on a copy of Diablo 3 Office Space style stand a chance of winning? Somehow I think the corporate crybabies at blizzard wouldn't give it the props it truly deserves since it accurately reflects how most of us feel about their D- game.
  • rantoc
    Blizzard, once one of the best developers that cared and they have managed to get to one of my most disliked in record time. Perhaps even worse than EA.So what have they done?'Diablo' 3 - what a disapointment. Wow eu - Many players have had the same login/disconnect issues for a whole month and they still havent managed to provide a stable service the customers pay for. What makes its pr worse is that they hide behind a eula and claim the whole month of daily disruptions is no ground for refounding lost playtime. Like a mere eula is above the law that clearly states customers are entiteled refunds for malfunctioning products/services...