Contest: Win a Corsair Case, SSD, PSU Combo!

It's the week leading up to Halloween, and Tom's Hardware has teamed up with Corsair to make things extra festive. Obviously, there's nothing spooky about PC hardware (though there have been some unsolved mysteries from troubleshooting), so we're going to play around with candy instead.

The object here is to guess to the best of your ability the number of Halloween candy corns that are inside the Corsair 800D case pictured below. To aid you in your estimates, the dimensions of the case are 24.00" x 9.00" x 24.00", so give it your best shot!

The contest will run starting Monday, October 26, 2009 and will close on Friday, November 6, 2009. The grand prize is as follows:

1.       Corsair Obsidian Series 800D Case

2.       Corsair HX850 Power Supply

3.       Corsair Hydro Series H50 Cooler

4.       128 GB Corsair Extreme Series SSD

There will also be 3 runner up prizes of Corsair 32GB Voyager USB Flash Drives.

The winner is the person who comes closest to the actual number of candy corns in the case maintained by Corsair as pictured above. In the case of if more than one entrant guesses correctly, then a random drawing will determine the winner.

Click here for the contest rules and entry form. Good luck and happy Halloween!

See the filling of the case at YouTube.

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • dhowie
    i'm surpised marcus, no mac hardware in there
  • dhowie
    no imac or macbook giveaway? really marcus?
  • acecombat
    If I win I want Marcus to individually count the candy corn!
  • pink315
    i would hate to have to be the one to count all those
  • Chipi
    I hate your US-only contests!
  • dhowie
    i found marcus!
  • jcwhite
    dhowiei found marcus! he's breezy
  • commandersozo
    I pity whoever has to count those.
  • pink315
    dhowiei found marcus! got three friends....tom included :P

    and he kind of looks like this:

    and i dont mean the guy with the bucket hehe
  • bustapr
    dhowiei found marcus! he looks like a happy mac fan:) breezy.