Amazing: ECS Fits Nvidia Ion, Blu-ray Into...a Vase

Most of Computex is the same old nettops and netbooks, but on occasion you do see something that truly stands out. Yesterday we caught a glimpse of the Atom-based PC that was fitted inside a model Ferrari F430.

If having a PC in the shape of an RC car isn’t your thing, how about a household decorative item? Elitegroup has managed to stuff a full Atom N230 system with a Blu-ray Disc drive inside this pretty blue and white vase. An Atom with Blu-ray, you ask? Yes, because most impressive of all is that this vase case contains an Nvidia Ion chipset.

Most impressive, indeed.


Check out the full gallery at Engadget.

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • Tindytim
    I like it, especially with that little pedestal (I guess that's the only way to use the ports at the bottom). I'm tempted to buy one, and not for someone else.
  • Gin Fushicho
    nice , I'd love to have something lie that next to my TV and play a BD movie on it. useing a sexy Windows remote. ;3
  • Silluete
    Wow,i don't really know about atom since i don't have one,but how about the cooling? the vase must be hot!!
  • Andraxxus
    Nice I'd buy one but most likely someone would use it as a vase and put water in it and then it would be dead but at least it would be water cooled.
  • pbrigido if only my Grandma knew how to use technology...
  • archange
    Waahhhahaha ^^

    Typically Chinese - I mean the vase, no disrespect :D
  • FSXFan
    If I could get one that looked good in my living room I would. As long as it was cheap enough, but it should be since it's just plastic. I just really want to stream stuff to my TV/stereo and the Blu-ray would be a nice plus. It would also score big points with the wife if it didn't look like a computer.
  • neiroatopelcc
    lovely thing! I wouldn't want an ecs quality product, but it's still looking lovely. My grandma would probably like one of those instead of her stock hp pavilion that upsets the usual grandma look.
  • Rancifer7
    If priced around the same as a normal PC with those specs, I can see these selling real well. I want one!