AMD Will Reportedly Have 200,000 RX 7900-Series Cards for Sale

AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX and XT cards
(Image credit: Tom's Hardware)

In a world where shortages on expensive products persists despite the economic slowdown, it may be good to know that AMD may be trying to avoid this with its Radeon RX 7900-series. At least, the company is prepping some 200,000 Radeon RX 7900-series graphics cars for the mid-December launch, according to Kyle Bennett, our colleague of HardOCP fame who now happens to be a good leaker on Twitter.

Apparently, there are "over 200,000" of AMD's Radeon RX 7900 XT and the Radeon RX 7900 XTX graphics cards set to be available on launch day, which is just a couple of days away: December 13. The 200,000 number presumably includes 'over' 30,000 reference built-by-AMD cards, according to Kyle. These graphics cards should become some of the best graphics cards once they are available.

Depending on the model breakdown, there's over $2 billion in hardware just waiting to be sold, given the MSRPs and potential volume spread. "Verified from multiple sources," Kyle Bennett said. "amdradeon will ship over 200K 7900 XT and XTX GPUs in Q4. Over 30K reference cards on shelves on launch day." 

(Image credit: Jon Peddie Research)

Now, some may wonder whether 200,000 graphics cards units mean anything to the market. The industry typically sells around 10 million discrete desktop graphics cards per quarter, according to Jon Peddie Research (though it dropped to around 7 million mark in the third quarter), and millions more standalone GPUs go to notebooks.  

(Image credit: Jon Peddie Research/Tom's Hardware)

Assuming that the information about 200,000 on the launch day is correct, then a from a per-quarter point of view, 200K units does not sound like a lot. Meanwhile, AMD's Radeon RX 7900-sereies are ultra high-end products and are priced accordingly. They are hoping to be bought on day 1 as well, which is what Kyle is talking about.

Keeping in mind that we are dealing with graphics cards that start at $899 and $999 minimum, we may presume that we are talking about a ~$2 billion worth stock here. After the RTX 4090 and RTX 4080 launches, which have both been routinely sold out and/or selling at higher prices, we'll have to see how AMD's new cards fare in comparison.

Will there be enough units for everyone that wants one on launch day? Time will tell. And there's not much time left to wait! The official launch is on Tuesday morning, December 13. Check back soon for our full review and we'll see just how well AMD's RX 7900-series parts stack up to the competition.

Anton Shilov
Contributing Writer

Anton Shilov is a contributing writer at Tom’s Hardware. Over the past couple of decades, he has covered everything from CPUs and GPUs to supercomputers and from modern process technologies and latest fab tools to high-tech industry trends.

  • spongiemaster
    Are they going to ship them all to international markets like Nvidia did, where they will collect dust on shelves while being nearly impossible to find in the US?
  • TechieTwo
    I'll wait for the $200 card version. ;)
  • Sleepy_Hollowed
    I have a feeling they'll go like hot cakes, be it from scalpers or just people that have been saving $20 per month to get an upgrade since like 2016.
  • lmcnabney
    They may not sell out at all.

    The market isn't distributed evenly
    There is a big market for GPUs that are the best. They will pay even crazy prices to get the best available. There isn't big demand for very expensive cards that aren't the best. That's why the 4080s are languishing on the shelves. Nvidia can sell as many 4090s as they can make, but there just aren't that many customers that will pay four figures for significantly less than the best. You have to dial the price down pretty far to get to another large group of consumers.
  • btmedic04
    scalpers are going to ruin the fun, guaranteed
  • ACP81
    200.000 cards x ~1000$/ card = 200 million not 2 billion !
  • spongiemaster
    btmedic04 said:
    scalpers are going to ruin the fun, guaranteed
    Unlikely. Unless there is a group of scalpers that slept through the 4080 release and doesn't have a bunch of those to unload still or at the very least saw what happened and decided to just ignore it.
  • Warrior24_7
    spongiemaster said:
    Are they going to ship them all to international markets like Nvidia did, where they will collect dust on shelves while being nearly impossible to find in the US?
    Nvidia didn’t do that. Best Buy is contracted to sell their reference cards, and they let scalpers run wild on their site. The cards were immediately sold out. I highly doubt that happens with AMD!
  • -Fran-
    This is going to be interesting to see unfold:
    1- these cards sellout and keep being hard to find, making it so that the price point is not unacceptable to a big group of people and nVidia needs to take note for anything under their top flagship.
    2- these cards won't sell at all and, much like the 4080 16GB, people will just say "no" to over $600 GPUs that don't offer a good FPS/$ or $/performance ratio, even as "top range" cards.

    I for one, depending on their performance, may consider one for VR, but I wouldn't be able to justify the price point for regular games as I have a 1440p@144Hz monitor.

  • DavidLejdar
    I was considering whether I should wait and save up more for a GPU like this. And I concluded that it is overkill when not going straight for a 4K setup, and that 4K is too much a premium for me these days, both in regard to initial cost for GPU and proper screen, and also in regard to energy consumption.

    Can't complain about the Radeon I did get instead though (below $500 including 19% VAT here), maxing out the 1440p 144Hz screen in the few games I tried so far, and running at below 10 W in idle mode, such as when browsing. And my next upgrade will likely be a CPU with 3D V-Cache, already having the MB with DDR5 for it.

    This may not be good enough for some when wanting 4K or at lower resolution 360 FPS at ultra settings. But just meaning to point out that pretty much "graphically high-end gaming" is still possible even without one of the current GPU flagships, in case someone wonders about this.