Seasonic Revamps Its PSU Product Lines

It took quite some time for Seasonic to release a Titanium PSU efficiency line, leaving the field open to other OEMs, especially Super Flower, which is its direct competitor. However, as it turns out, all this time Seasonic's engineers were preparing a new high-performance platform; our reviews of the Prime 850W and 650W models clearly show that they did their jobs well--so well, in fact, that Super Flower may be forced to redesign its high-end Leadex platform to keep pace.

According to Seasonic, 2017 will be an important milestone because it will release several new product lines that will include high performance and quality power supplies. This process has already begun with the introduction of the PRIME Titanium Series last year, and it will be followed by the completion of the the same line with a 1kW unit, which will be the flagship model. Moreover, many Platinum and Gold Prime units will follow, addressing users that cannot afford the premium prices of the Titanium models. The new FOCUS series will play in the mid-level category featuring mid power output and Gold or Platinum efficiency certification levels.

All new PSU lines will have a refreshed look, and Seasonic stated that appearance is not the only aspect that will change; the new models will also feature innovative builds, features, and increased performance. Following the full lineup of the PRIME Titanium, Platinum, and Gold Series in chronological order, the first FOCUS Series models will make their appearance on store shelves in the second quarter of this year. The FOCUS Series units will be manufactured in both fully modular and semi-modular flavors.

Seasonic will also introduce the AirTouch, a specialty PSU which allows users to select among five different cooling profiles.

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Seasonic Series Replacements
Efficiency (80 PLUS)CurrentReplacementSpecial Edition
TitaniumPRIME Titanium + FLSnow Silent
PlatinumPlatinumPRIME PlatinumSnow Silent
Platinum FanlessPRIME FanlessRow 3 - Cell 2
GoldX SeriesPRIME GoldAirTouch
G SeriesFOCUS+New X
BronzeM12II EvoCORE+Row 6 - Cell 3
S12IICORERow 7 - Cell 2

The Platinum, Platinum Fanless, X, G, M12II Evo, and S12II lines will be replaced by the new PRIME, FOCUS+, CORE+, and CORE lines. Seasonic will do a major revamp with its portfolio in 2017. All new Seasonic models will be fully modular except for the FOCUS, which will be semi-modular, and the CORE units, which will have only fixed cables.

Seasonic's full product lineup for 2017 is depicted in the following table:

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Seasonic Product Lineup 2017
Efficiency (80 PLUS)1200W1000W850W750W650W550W450W
TitaniumRow 1 - Cell 1 PRIMEPRIMEPRIMEPRIME 600 FLPRIME 500 FL (TBA)Row 1 - Cell 7
Row 3 - Cell 0 Snow SilentRow 3 - Cell 2 Snow SilentSnow SilentRow 3 - Cell 5 Row 3 - Cell 6
Row 4 - Cell 0 Row 4 - Cell 1 FOCUS+FOCUS+FOCUS+FOCUS+Row 4 - Cell 6
Platinum GamingPlatinum GamingPlatinum GamingPlatinum Gaming
Row 7 - Cell 0 Row 7 - Cell 1 AirTouchRow 7 - Cell 3 Row 7 - Cell 4 Snow SilentRow 7 - Cell 6
Row 8 - Cell 0 Row 8 - Cell 1 FOCUS+FOCUS+FOCUS+FOCUS+Row 8 - Cell 6
New XNew XNew XNew X
Row 10 - Cell 0 Row 10 - Cell 1 Row 10 - Cell 2 FOCUSFOCUSFOCUSFOCUS
BronzeRow 11 - Cell 1 Row 11 - Cell 2 Row 11 - Cell 3 CORE+CORE+CORE+CORE+
Row 12 - Cell 0 Row 12 - Cell 1 Row 12 - Cell 2 CORECORECORECORE
Aris Mpitziopoulos
Contributing Editor

Aris Mpitziopoulos is a contributing editor at Tom's Hardware, covering PSUs.

  • About time! I can't wait to see some reviews of the 'lower end' stuff. Not that any Seasonic unit is really lower end.
  • nekromobo
    Is this article commercial or press release? It sure does read one.. genuine hand crafted cut+paste as so many other articles by tomshardware lately :(
  • 19125166 said:
    Is this article commercial or press release? It sure does read one.. genuine hand crafted cut+paste as so many other articles by tomshardware lately :(

    It's obviously just a preview of what's coming in the next few months. Some of us have been waiting on news of these for months if not most of a year.

    Aris is one of the best power supply reviewers around. When he gets his hands on them you will get complete reviews. Like this one of the 850w Prime Titanium. :),4761.html
  • Isokolon
    Super Flower may be forced to redesign its high-end Leadex platform to keep pace.

    Uhmmm...The Leadex II & especially the EVGA G3 have done exactly that already?
    Apart from efficiency JohnnyGuru rated it Prime level?
  • 19125213 said:
    Super Flower may be forced to redesign its high-end Leadex platform to keep pace.

    Uhmmm...The Leadex II & especially the EVGA G3 have done exactly that already?
    Apart from efficiency JohnnyGuru rated it Prime level?

    SuperFlower still uses capacitors in the cables. The Prime doesn't. Huge step forward. ;)
  • BugariaM
    19125213 said:
    Super Flower may be forced to redesign its high-end Leadex platform to keep pace.

    Uhmmm...The Leadex II & especially the EVGA G3 have done exactly that already?
    Apart from efficiency JohnnyGuru rated it Prime level?

    It's funny to read such

    Especially since the Super Flower Leadex II mentions in the news from May 2016,31855.html

    I would like to see more good quality PSU from the Seasonic, which completely correspond ATX specifications on the part "dimensions".
    Or at least no more than 160mm depth
  • Lutfij
    Snow Silent, 550W that's something I'm looking very forward to it's release!
  • Nintendork
    Pretty much no one needs a 1kw PSU specially with the efficiency race and nvidia killing SLI or poor scaling little support even if you do multiple crossfire.

    I just want more 400-500w Titanium PSU's.
  • WFang
    so, I still only see 3 Prime units for sale (in US) on Newegg? It's been a long time since I read about the 600W fanless Prime model... THAT is the one I want.

    Enough power to drive modern rig with modern CPU and GPU? check.
    No fan? Check!
  • Nintendork
    I have good earing and I really need to put my ear close to hear my Seasonic S12-II 520w Bronze.

    I prefer having fans because when you don't you will start hearing the electrical noise (different on a tablet/smartphone/passive laptop where the components are compact with less "protruding capacitors and the like" which reduce electrical noise).