1TB Evolves: New Drives, More Speed

Old vs. New and Comparison Table

We summarized the improvements of the Hitachi Deskstar 7K1000.B over its predecessor 7K1000, and the performance difference between the Western Digital WD1000FYPS and the new WD1001FALS. Please consider that in case of the WD drive, we’re comparing 5,400 RPM with 7,200 RPM, while Hitachi made a step from five platters to three platters, doubling the total capacity. WD has had a 750 GB Caviar drive, which might as well be the one to compare.

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Row 0 - Cell 0 Hitachi old/newChangeWD old/newChange
Max. Transfer Rate84.9 / 111.6 MB/s31% faster78 / 106 MB/s36% faster
Min. Transfer Rate42.4 / 60.6 MB/s42% faster39.2 / 53.2 MB/s36% faster
Access Time13.8 / 17.1 ms19% slower15.0 / 12.2 ms19% faster
PCMark05 XP Startup10.0 / 10.44% faster8.0 / 10.025% faster
Surface Temperature127 / 106 °F (52.8 / 41.1 °C)22.2% cooler104 / 117 °F (40 / 47.2°C)11.1 % hotter
Idle Power8.6 / 5.4 W59% less5.3 / 6.5 W22.6% more
Workstation Performance per Watt8.1 / 14.174% better13.2 / 14.711.4% better
Streaming Reads Performance per Watt47.5 / 108.5128% better67.4 / 91.736% better

Comparison Table

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ManufacturerHitachi GSTWestern Digital
ModelDeskstarWD Caviar Black
Model Number7K1000.BWD1001FALS
Form Factor3.5"3.5"
Capacity1000 GB1000 GB
Spindle Speed7,200 RPM7,200 RPM
Other Capacities160, 250, 320 ,500, 640, 750 GB750 GB
Cache16 MB32 MB
Operating Temperature0-60°C0-60°C
Specified Idle Power5.2 W7.8 W
Measured Idle Power5.4 W6.5 W
Operating Shock (2 ms, read)70 G65 G
Warranty5 years5 years