Review Socket 7 Boards

Benchmark Results

The fastest CPU in Socket 7 boards is currently the AMD K6 233, which is why I used this CPU for testing now. I will also add tests with the Pentium MMX soon.

Performance of Socket 7 Boards at 66 MHz Bus Speed under Windows 95

You can see that all boards are extremely close together. The range of the whole test is only within 0.5 Winstone points, so that you can say that the performance of all the tested boards is pretty much the same. Other features like e.g. bus speeds, equipment and quality should guide your buying decisions.

Performance of Socket 7 Boards at 66 MHz Bus Speed under Windows NT

The range of results is under NT also within only 0.9 Winstone points, which means that there's only a small difference between the fastest and the slowest tested board.

Performance of Socket 7 Boards at 83 MHz Bus Speed under Windows 95

At the high bus speed you can see that boards with SDRAM are clearly in front, except the Abit PX5 with its instability problems which needed a reducing of its SDRAM timing parameters.

Performance of Socket 7 Boards at 83 MHz Bus Speed under Windows NT

This results shows you that the Windows 95 performance doesn't have to be equal to the NT performance. Again TX boards with their SDRAM support are faster than HX boards with their slower EDO RAM.