Everything There Is To Know About the Xbox: Technology, Games, Accessories and What's At Stake

Network Gaming

As a next generation console, Xbox offers multiplayer games, not only for playing on just one console but also between different consoles connected to each other, and even through the Internet. The Xbox is therefore equipped with an Ethernet type network port, identical to those used for local networks and PCs. NVIDIA's MCPX performs the network processing in 10/100 Mbits/s. To connect two consoles, a Link cable is all you need to get and you can get it anywhere Xbox accessories are sold, included directly by Microsoft. This is a RJ45 cross-over cable, just like the one used to connect two PCs. When the number of players is such that you need to add a third, and even a fourth console, all you will need is a standard Ethernet hub. At the moment, only three System link games are available for online gaming. Those are Nascar Heat 2002, Tony Hawk 2x and Halo. Halo allows sixteen players to compete online or on a local network. You will need to connect four consoles to each other and to have four players per console.

  • wow nice but i think xbox will always stand on the cool chart and it's ultra easy but thing is i will try to buy rights and stuff from Microsoft of the original xbox so i can work on it to help give it improvements to it gui plus concidering i do own one xbox myself i think it does need a tune up !